Chapter 1

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16 Years Ago
"You, my sweet Damian are destined for greatness." Talia al Gul said holding the newborn. A nurse walked over with a pink bundle. Talia spotted it and snarled.

"What do you think you're doing?" The nurse paused looking down at the beautiful newborn.

"Giving you your daughter." Talia glared at the pink blanket. There was no way her father would allow the girl to have any power in the league of assassins. He wanted a male heir and he got it.

"I do not know what you are talking about. Damian is my only child." The nurse looked puzzled. Talia was a strange woman.

"Get rid of it. I do not care how but do it." Talia hissed. The nurse noted knowing she was getting paid to help Talia and do as she requested. She started to walk away when both newborns woke up and started crying. The nurse stopped looking at the newborns.

"Go! Never speak of this." Talia growled over the twin wails. The nurse side leaving the room. She glanced at the newborn and couldn't help but frown. She was a beautiful baby and the nurse would make sure she went to a great home. She knew exactly who to take her to. They've been trying for a child for a while.

-A few hours later-
The nurse pulled up to a two story house with a giant flashing sign. It read 'Fenton Works'. She smiled looking back at the baby. The nurse noted and grab the baby. She walked to the front door and knocked. Crashes were heard and then the door opened. A little girl about three years old with ginger hair stood there.

"Hi. Is your mommy and daddy home?" The girl nodded.

"Mommy someone's here for you!" The door open more to reveal a slender woman with darker red hair and a teal hazmat suit.

"Lori! Oh come in. Come in it's been a while since we've seen you." Lori laughed walking in.

"I know it's been years but I have to say this isn't the way I wanted to meet again. I have a favor to ask of you and Jack, Maddie." Maddie nodded motioning to the couch.

"Sit Lori. I need to get Jack and then we can talk." Maddie ran off and Lori sat down and glanced at the baby carrier. The little girl peaked around the chair.

"What hew name?" Lori jumped a little forgetting about the girl.

"She doesn't have one yet. What's yours?" The girl came over to have a better look at the baby.

"Jazz. She cute." Was all Jazz's said to distracted by the baby. Maddie came back in with Jack, a tall dark-haired man with an orange hazmat suit.

"Lori!" Jack yelled causing the baby to wake up with a screech. Their eyes fell to the carrier. Lori sighed getting the baby out and bouncing her.

"This is the favor I wanted to ask. She has no one to take her and give her a home." They watched as the baby calm down just a little. Jazz looked at her with big eyes.

"What happened to hew mommy?" Jazz asked. Lori looked at Maddie and Jack, they wanted to know too.

"Her mother didn't want her but kept her twin brother." They looked shocked.

"Who?" Maddie asked. Lori shook her head.

"Can't tell you. You were the first people I thought of. Please take her. I don't want her to go into the system." They looked at each other then at Jazz who seemed intrigued with the baby. They nodded.

"We'll take her." Lori smiled and handed Maddie the baby.

-13 Years Ago- 3 Years Old-

Damian's POV
Mama's upset with me because I wasn't paying attention and training. It's so boring though I don't want to know how to use a sword. I just want to play.

Damian's twinWhere stories live. Discover now