Life of gio

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I just read the message that Carlos sent and just left that dude on read cuz if that negativity was going to be in my life I ain't finna allow that shit into anything danny is going to be here because she is .
Story time
10 year old self
Today I was really freakin excited to see Daniela we been friends for the passed time already since we were six and still going strong and what I'm getting right now are feelings for her she is so amazing
Danny:hey Giovanny
Gio:hey Daniela
Danny:lets sneak out the house so we can have fun I mean my mom don't pay attention to me anyways so let's just have fun
Gio:alright I mean my parents will find out but who care they leave all the time without telling me so now it's my turn
Danny:your funny
Gio:yea I know
We both start to laugh and have a good time we each left to our house and just talked on the phone for hours I felt like I was getting way to close to her talking on the phone sneaking out and having fun like I mean it's fun but we could get in trouble
Gio:hey bestfriend
Danny:heyyyy bestttfriennd
Gio:so what time out think we should
Danny:idk at 1am
Gio:okay I'll wait for you at the near by store that's right around the corner
Danny:alright I'll see you in 10
Gio:okay I'll see you Then
I snook out through my window and I started to walk to the store I was always scared to walk through these streets because it was just gangs and drugs and guns out here but I know I was safe because Danny's cousin was running a gang out here so I felt safe sorta these streets are ours !
Gang member:what you doing out here little dude
Gio:just waiting on someone
Gang member:who is that someone
Gang member:wait is it Daniela cosino
Gang member:you better watch out for her okay she is the only thing that the gang leader has close to a sister and if I catch you doing something bad to her you are going to suffer for it dude
Gio:we been bestfriends for the longest i dont know why I would do something bad to her
Gang member:okay I'm just saying and if you see someone harming her let me know
Gio:for sure I would never hurt her or do anything that would
Gang member:okay dude I'll see you around I have to do some business right now I'll see you around
Gio:alright bye
The gang member leaves and I'm left there alone in plain darkness
Gio:oh my gosh
???:hey it's me
Gio:Daniela that's not funny
Danny:cmon it was funny
Gio:okay yes it was
We both start to laugh and suddenly a guy just walked up to us
Danny:hola tio
Jose:hola morena what are you doing here
Danny:ahh nada aki con el bestfriend talking
Jose:ohh okay be carful in these streets okay morena
Danny:i know tio don't worry about me
Jose:I have to worry okay these streets are dangerous for you to be around
Danny:well yea but I still have to get around
Jose:yea that's true aye how's your family
Danny:pos mom ain't in the house a lot and dad he is working as always
Jose:damn aye Pero be carful okay si te pasa algo tell me
Danny:alright tio
Jose:love you Danny take care okay
Danny:love you too tio and I'm sure I will
They wave goodbye and the guy leaves
Gio:dang you really do know a lot of people here
Danny:yea my cousin he is the biggest part on my life and he makes me meet all the gang members and he has told me if I ever pass I'm going to leave you as the leader
Gio:okay look if you join I'm going to join with you
Danny:we are just kids we can't do all of that we can't do drugs we can sell either we are just kids right now
Gio:yea but all of this is really dangerous for you to join a gang
Danny: yea i know but this is not a yes or no question its a automatic yes

3 years later
I been with Danny for the longest not like together together but bestfriends and all them years i been crushing on her and i dont know how to tell her I just have to wait no matter what time it is 2 years 5years or maybe tomorrow I just have to wait I get out of bed and start to get ready for the day I get my phone and leave to Danny's house I start to walk down the street and I came across Jordan
Jordan: hey dude
Gio:hey Jordan
Jordan:what are you doing here all alone
Gio:I'm going to Danny's house
Jordan:ohhh has she told you
Gio:told me what
Jordan:she joined the gang
Jordan:yea the leader passed like at 4 in the morning and they called her up and did the test on her and she passed and as the leader said he wanted her as the new leader she is the new leader right now
Gio:what and she didn't tell me
Jordan:well you have to keep it a secret for 2 hours then you can tell people
Gio:oh so then that kept her from telling me
Jordan:yea she couldn't tell no one unless you were there to see
Gio:now can I say something something about it
Gio:alright I'll see you later
I left almost mad because she didnt tell me I knocked on the front door and her mom answers
Lucy:hola giovanny
Gio:hola Lucy
Lucy:Daniela esta en su cuarto
Gio:gracias Lucy
I start to walk towards her room and I hear talking of a guy and hers I was getting pissed off I knocked on her door and she opens it
Danny:hey Gio
Gio:hey Danny is I heard
Danny:heard what
Gio:that you are the gang leader
Danny:oh yea I am
Gio:and that means I'm entering now
Danny:gio you cant do that cuz I care about you
Gio:I care about you too and you did it anyways
Danny:gio do whatever you want if I can't stop you I don't know who can
I start to run to the bar and told them I wanted to join I went through all the pain in life to be next to her and I went ahead and got the tattoo on my shoulder and that's how I got here to This position
End of story
I been with her since 6 years old and I don't wanna lose her at 16 she is the special girl in my life that I want to be with she is everything I would ask for, tears started to go down my face once again "Daniela cosino Garcia I'm in love with you"

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