The sadest day ever

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Alex POV
I just see her in her bed with a breathing tube through her mouth I just break down and start crying I go to sit right next to her and grab her hand
Alex:Danny I love you so much and i dont know what I would do without you you are my everything you are my world and I don't want to lose you at 16 I wanna have a family with you because -because I'm so in love with you Danny not just a little bit I mean a big bit and I want you to be here with me right now or if you can even hear me but I want you here with me danny cmon wake up
Once I said that it just brought me to tears I couldn't hold anything in I just started crying but didn't make any noise and I just look at the door and the gang came in

Carlos POV
I look at the door and see people coming in but it seemed like they were in gangs or something
Carlos:gio can I talk to you for a minute
Gio:*rolls eyes* fine
We walk out side and close the door
Carlos:who are they
Gio:they are family well more known as *whispers* gang members
Carlos :WHAT
Gio:shut the fuck up carlos
Carlos:sorry but what
Gio:yea nana is the gang leader
Carlos:oh damn okay
Gio walks back in the room but I stay outside thinking how in danger Danny is....
I start to think and it ain't fun think your future baby was going to die or if she was going to stay in a coma I just i dont know "love" this girl she is almost the only thing I really have close to something that I really want she is what I want but she won't wake up to my words I know that for sure I walk in the room and everyone was sitting there talking to her even through she couldn't talk to them back I just stare at her body and it hurts me knowing that she can't see or hear us.....

Danny's POV
When I passed out I couldn't feel anything till I woke up in my room I just seen Gio holding my hand and talking
Gio:nana I always wanted to tell you this but I don't think you can hear me or even see me
Danny:gio I'm right here
I start to wave across his face
Gio:but uhhh.....
Danny:gio I'm right here why can't you hear me Gio GIO!
Gio:Danny I love you for real it ain't no bestfriend shit and I really mean it I love you with all my fucking heart and I didn't know how to tell you because you were always with Alex so I couldn't tell you but I love you Daniela Garcia Cosino I really do
I just look at Gio with a really shocked face
Danny:gio i dont know if you can hear me but I love you too but as a bestfriend I have alex and I ain't no toy you can play with I'm a girl who stays loyal to anyone but I still love you as a bestfriend
And no reaction
Danny:why can't you hear me
I try to move but I couldn't do anything it's like I could just hear and see but I can't open my mouth or eyes I'm just like dead outside but not dead inside then I see Alex and Carlos walk in I try and try to move but I can't it's been a while the I see the gang come in and Alex is just chillin and Carlos looks sorta scared
Danny:hey Carlos it's fine they won't do nothing
But no reaction
Then Carlos calls Gio out I stay in the room and people are talking to me and holding my hand then I see Jordan and Austin come in then Alex get up and tells him that they can't see me I just look at them with complete shock I mean what if Jordan or Austin can wake me up ...

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