The Beginning

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"I am truly sorry that it has to be this way Sirena, but this is for the greater good. Plus I am doing you a favor. Father wanted to just suck your blood, which that is a million times more painful than this." I don't say a word to the monster standing over me. "Oh come now don't be like that sweetheart."

"You don't have the right to call me that anymore Vladimir." I spit at him. "You and I both know that what you are doing is wrong. I can't believe I even went out with you. You were just playing me but see it's worse than that. Not only were you playing me, but you were also planning on killing me. Was that from the very beginning or just because I came over to your house? I hope they catch you. " I glare at him as he turns his back to me with a sigh, but he straightens his shoulders.

"Toss her overboard." I stifle a whimper of fear as the other man picks me up. I refuse to scream; I will not give him the satisfaction. Time seems to slow down as I pass over the guardrail toward the violent waves beneath me. Vladimir and his goons grow smaller and farther away as I fall into the ocean. 

As I fall overboard, I begin thinking back at what my life had been. I was about to graduate from high school. I definitely was not the most popular girl, but I wasn't an outcast. I actually really enjoyed school, for the most part anyway. I had a few friends, and the good thing about that, I know that they will miss me. My family will be looking for me, and they won't ever stop until they find out what happened to me.

I still remember the first time Vlad asked me for a date. He was the king of the high school and could have any girl he wanted. What he said is what happened each and every time. I was flattered that he had even looked my direction, and ignoring my instincts, I said yes to a date. I knew that something was off with him, I just didn't figure out what it was until it was too late. We dated for most of our senior year. And in all that time I began to find it just a little bit odd that I still had yet to meet his family. 

As we dated, I began noticing other odd little things. Like how no matter how far away he was or how quietly I whispered something he always seemed to hear me. How it was rare that we had a date outside, or in any sunshine at all. How occasionally when Vlad got really upset, which now that I think about it was frequently, his eyes would appear to change color. He would shake in anger. If another guy even glanced at me; he would accuse me of cheating on him. I never really seemed to have personal space, or any free time, because it was all consumed and directed by him. I thought it would be a wonderful idea to surprise Vlad at his house on a Saturday. This was by far the biggest mistake of my life.

I knocked but it wasn't Vlad who opened the door. A young man who appeared to be just a few years older than Vlad opened the door. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Vlad. I'm his girlfriend." The man's face became absolutely livid. He reached out and grabbed my arm harshly yanking me inside, the door slamming behind me.

"Vladimir!!! " Before I could even blink Vlad was directly in front of the man. "Who is this puny human? And why is she claiming to be your girlfriend? You know better than to associate yourself with the likes of their kind. She will be disposed of immediately. "

"But Father..." My brain just kind of skipped over that bit of information as there seemed to be much more pressing matters.

"The only reason she should be allowed to live is if she is your Beloved. Now, do you claim her as your Beloved?"

"No Father, I would not be matched with a puny human. She is just a plaything, nothing more than a toy." I am too shocked to even speak, but I glare at Vlad in fury. He doesn't even have the decency to look me in the eyes when he says that. 

"Then we will drain her of her life force and toss her body to the wolves." Just the thought of that happening makes me freeze in panic.

"No!" The man turned his steely angry eyes on Vlad. "What I mean to say, Father, is that I have already been planning on drowning her instead." Drowning, great that just happens to be my absolute worst fear of all time, and Vlad knows this!

That's how I ended up here. Falling to my watery grave.

Just before I hit the water, I take the biggest breath I can. It feels like I'm falling forever, but it's only a few seconds. I begin to slowly float, drifting with the current. My chest begins to hurt from the lack of oxygen. I will not last much longer. I am going to die. No! I refuse to die this way! Vlad deserves to be punished for this, for even thinking that he could get away with this. I will live somehow. I struggle to kick my tied legs trying to get back to the surface, but it's no use the ropes are too strong for me to break or loosen. I just sink deeper into the ocean waves. Black spots begin to dance before my eyes. I need air soon or I am going to drown. 

Just as I am beginning to lose consciousness, someone grabs my bound wrists. Thinking in my oxygen deprived state that maybe it is Vlad coming back to finish the job, I struggle as hard as I can. But they are too strong for me to fight. And with my lack of oxygen there is absolutely nothing that I can do. My mind is starting to go blank and dark. I feel them grab my face and cover my mouth with theirs and force water into my lungs.

Pain begins to spread through my entire body. It is unbearable, I feel like I'm on fire. I try to scream, but I can't make a sound. The pain is blinding. All I can feel is an unbearable fiery pain.  Slowly the pain becomes tolerable, then it fades away. Leaving me gasping for breath. Breathing! I'm still underwater! How am I breathing!? I begin panicking.

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