Chapter Twelve

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Hannah Starley
The Human Garde Academy - Point Reyes, California

People around Hannah and the other group members had turn around to look at them, eyeing them; it made Hannah feel uncomfortable. The feeling Hannah is currently feeling was exactly when she had left for the interview with Doctor Evelyn and she had to go Math class by herself, people were eyeing her, she could not tell if it was a bad thing.

"How about a little introduction to our training course," Professor Nine states.

Everyone starts to whisper again. Amber eventually comes along with Fredrick, "He's going to ask you guys to do a challenge, but don't worry he'll take it easy on you guys," Fredrick explains.

"Uhm, no? He's an original Garde," Amber sneers, "How the hell is a Human Garde going to beat him?"

"From what I heard, you guys fought like a team back at Big Ben," Fredrick states, "Anyways he'll explain it."

"Alright guys! Make space, we're going to challenge each other!" Professor Nine calls out.

Everyone spreads out as the group stood from a fair distance from Nine. "Good luck!" Fredrick jogs away and stands on the sidelines.

"So the challenge is you have to take this hat off my head," Nine gestures to hat and puts it on his head.

"What kind of challenge is that?" James laughs.

"A pretty difficult one," someone in the crowd shouts back.

"What's the plan?" Hannah asks, mainly focusing on Heidi.

"Why are you looking at me?" Heidi questions.

"Honestly Heidi, you seem like a person to plan things out," Hannah replies.

"I think James handles himself pretty good out there actually," Wayde praises James, "He could be our self-defense if anything were to go down."

"I'll give you five minutes to work out a plan," Professor Nine informs as he starts to float upside-down.

Everyone starts to brew up a plan as Hannah feels a tad relief that they may leave the fight without broken bones.

"Ok, Lisa! Do your thing!" Nine requests as a girl with blonde hair nods her head and extends her arms out. The area suddenly turns dark, but not too dark; in the middle was a bright light with a counter starting from three going down.

"Everyone ready?" Heidi asks.

Everyone agrees and when the light vanish and the area turns bright again, the group splits up into two direction both running at Nine.

"HANNAH! GO!" Mitch shouts as she manipulates water from a nearby lake to flood the battleground. Professor Nine however, was standing still.

"This guy isn't even moving!" James shouts next to Hannah.

Hannah increases the water level and then creates a gyser at her feet to shoot herself at Nine. Hannah knew she would play as bait, however a sudden impact from Nine's telekinesis makes Hannah hurl backwards.

Hannah crashes into the ground and could feel the pain on her back. However, Hannah still increases the water levels, ignoring the pain.

Heidi uses her hair to extend out to Nine as she attempts to make a grab for him, but suddenly the ground shakes and a piece of rock takes Nine into the sky. The water was also floating and anything in his radius.

Heidi calls out to Mitch and then she uses her hair to throw Mitch into the air as Mitch uses his speed to push back on the floating rocks. Nine didn't move at all, but as Mitch went to grab for his hat, Mitch starts to float in the air, passed Nine.

"Argh!" Mitch shouts as he lands into the lake.

Hannah stares as both two plans had failed, but they still had a one trick up their sleevees. Hannah knew he had anti-gravity legacies and so she moves her water into the sky, however this took a lot of effort and she could only hold it for so long.

"AMBER!" Heidi shouts as Amber puts both her fists together and slams it into the ground, the water, touching Nine was about to be filled with Amber's electricity when suddenly everything fell.

Heidi gets swoop in the water as it lands on top of her and she crashes into the building wall.

Amber squeals as she runs away from the falling rocks, but gets hit by a few rocks anyways. Hannah collapses onto the ground as she had no energy to move as well.

James suddenly appears as he uses his telekinesis on Nine. James had absorbed everyone's abilities, thus making his telekinesis stronger. Nine was pushed back only slightly and James' mouth dropped when Nine return the force, but blew James into a tree.

"I have never seen such teammwork in any of my classes before," Nine praises, "It's unfortunate you guys didn't-" Nine was touching his head, but his hat was missing.

Everyone starts to laugh as Wayde was behind him with his hat. "How? I didn't even see you the whole time!"

"It was simple, distract you with many different forces, Hannah placing the water in the sky wasn't just to try to electricute you, but for me to hide in it."

Nine's eye was wide open as he was baffled. "-And therefore when Amber used her electricity into the water, I swoop the hat off as we were both falling."

"How about James?" Fredrick shouts from the distance.

"I just wanted to show off my abilities before Wayde announces our achievement," James smirks.

Hannah stood up slowly as does Amber and Heidi and they all start to smile. Everyone starts to cheer for the group.

Nine still looking confused as ever, suddenly begin clap, "Well congratulation guys, you were the second team to ever to get my hat, everyone give them another clap!" Professor Nine puts his arm around Wayde and slams his back in enjoyment.

Hannah could feel the stares at her, but it was different this time, not like the one in Math class or even when she was back at home in her own school, this time it felt like a victory stare.

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