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Finns POV

"Marceline!" I shouted as I ran to the injured vampire queen, but even for a vampire with healing powers this looked bad.

Third person

Marceline layed unconscious on the floor with several ribs sticking out of her flesh, her head was caved in and she was barely breathing.  "This is really bad." Shouted Finn obviously very concerned for his vampiric friend. "Only one person can help her Finn and that's Bubblegum." Said Jake

"Ok Jake come on were running out of time." Replied Finn. Finn carefully picked up Marceline and placed her on Jake, he had just streched into a bed. Finn the lept on as they raced to the candy kingdom, when they got there Finn immediately picked up Marceline and ran down the ornate halls shouting."Bubblegum Bubblegum where are you!" Finn continued down the halls until he rammed into Bubblegum. "Finn what is the meaning of this."

"Help her." sais Finn pleadingly. Bubblegum immediately noticed Marceline and shrieked "DOCTOR ICE CREAM!!!" Screamed Bubblegum at the top of her voice. The docter sprinted through the doors with a medical bed and a candy trauma team closely behind him knowing it would be bad,

they immediately got to work

1 hour later

"You may see her now." sais doctor ice cream sadly. Finn Jake and Bubblegum all walked into the room to see marceline in a very bad way. Marceline was connected to about half a dozen machines in a coma her heart beat was extremely slow. "She will die if she isn't given given very high quality medicine." sais doctor ice cream

"We can pay for it." Shouts Finn "We have enough money to buy half of oooh." with tears beggining to run down his cheeks

"Im sorry Finn but the very highest quality medicine to vampires is

blood human blood...

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