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Reader's Pov-

Two days have passed, and of course I have done "stuDYING" about Taehyung's life. I rent a house nearby Taehyung's house too.

It's 6:50 a.m.  Taehyung sent me a text last night saying I should be there at his house and we have to go to the place for his meeting that's scheduled at 8 a.m.

I am currently standing in front of his door. Yeah he's fucking rich.

I pressed the bell button, I guess he haven't wake up yet. He did told me to wake him up. And what's even more surprising, he gave me his password for his house.

I feel like this isn't right, so I called him. Voicemails.

I pressed the bell button again, nothing.

OH SHIT ITS 7:20 a.m. already.

I type in the password and the door automatically opened.

I ran inside his huge ass house and I was amazed by how aesthetic his house is. OK NO THIS IS NOT THE TIME,  maybe some other time.

I ran upstairs, and knocked on his door. "Taehyung?" no answer. There's only 2 rooms upstairs and the other one was empty.

"Shit we're running out of time Taehyung" I knocked and shouted.

He's not answering.

I turned the knob, and enters his room, a huge one.

I saw him peacefully sleeping on his bed, he looks so good, attractive as shit.

I'm not sure if i should wildly shake his body or not.

"Taehyung it's me, y/n" I shouted in his ears, he wiggle his body a bit and he pushed me back.

This bitch. My hot temper self is coming out.

I slapped his arms and pulled his hands up from the bed.

"Wake up you fatass we're going to be late!" I shouted.

Taehyung look at me, then his eyes grew wider, "what time is it?" He asked.

"7:45 a.m." I answered crossing my arms.

"WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER" He said almost shouting out of panic, and get out of his bed.

"BITCH I'VE BEEN TRYING TO WAKE YOU UP SINCE 20 MINUTES AGO HOW DARE YOU!" ops, it came out, the hot temper.

Taehyung looks a bit upset or somehow scared, i just can't tell but i feel bad.

"Ok sorry, go have a quick shower i'll choose your outfit." I pushed him inside the toilet.

I heard water running inside of his toilet and i started choosing for his outfit.


The meeting has finally ended. Holy shit i did something today, i finally feel like a manager!  I wrote a lot too heh.

I drove Taehyung back to his house.  We arrived in front of his house.

The entire time in the car, we both were so quiet. No one said anything. Taehyung? He looks upset.

Is he somehow sulking? Because I was mad earlier in the morning? Mm.

Taehyung was about to get out from the car, I pulled his wrist back and made him fall back on his seat beside me.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I couldn't hold my hot temper, sorry for letting it all out on you." I said.

He looked at me with a sad face and I almost got a heart attack because of how cute he looks??

"No one really shouted at me the way you do.." He said.

What the fuck he's such a baby. But in a cute way oh my god my heart.

- To be continued

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