Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

    For once, I woke before Daniel. To be honest, I don’t think I ever fell asleep. Knowing that my mother would be buried today sent my thoughts into overdrive. After hours of tossing and turning, the sun finally poked through the blinds, spreading its orange rays though the darkness and signaling to me that I lost my fight with sleep.

    I rolled onto my side and watched Daniel as he slept. He looked so calm with his lips slightly parted. With each passing breath, his chest rose and fell slightly. Daring to reach out, I slid my thumb down his cheek. Daniel smiled lightly at my touch.

    I couldn’t help but think how in the world it was possible to love a single person so much.

    Sighing, I slowly crawled out of Daniel’s bed so I didn’t wake him. The room was a little chilly which made me thankful that Daniel’s clothes were so large on me. The t-shirt I wore came down to just above my knees and acted almost like a thin sweater. I tip-toed out of the bedroom, down the hall, and stepped into the kitchen.

    My head seemed to spin as I flipped the light on. It was way too early.

    “Coffee,” my subconscious nearly shouted.

    I grabbed a mug from one of Daniel’s cabinets and filled it with water from the tap. Sliding the cup into the microwave, I set it for two minutes then pulled the instant coffee powder from its place on the counter. On the rare occasion that I actually wanted coffee, I usually longed for real coffee with a dash of French-vanilla creamer.

    Today, I settled with instant and a splash of milk.

    I plopped down on the couch, wrapping my fingers around the mug and enjoying the warmth that traveled through my fingers and up my arms; however, it did little for the cold stone that settled at the base of my stomach. I dreaded this day, but at the same time, I nearly welcomed it. With my mother buried, I would be able to say my final goodbye to her and move on with my life.

    My heart ached when I realized that she would never get to see me happy. She only saw me at my worst, locked away in my own mind. She would never get to hear me tell her that I fell in love with someone.

     I wasn’t the type to believe in an afterlife, but I believed that people never truly died. Sure, their heart stops beating, and they’re placed into the ground. Though they were deceased, they lived on though the hearts that belonged to the people they touched while still living.

    Mom would always have a place in mine. I just hoped that when I died, there would be someone to hold me in his heart.

    I sighed at my thoughts as I sipped my coffee. It didn’t take long for Daniel to come walking in. He yawned widely then offered me a kind smile as he ran a hand through his messy morning hair.

    Smiling back, I allowed my eyes to run up his body. Daniel slept shirtless no matter the weather, and I had to send a thank you prayer to whatever deity did or didn’t exist because Daniel was one hell-of-a sight.

    “Good morning,” he chimed, breaking my thoughts.

    I lifted my eyes to meet his and spoke. “Morning.”

    Daniel dropped onto the couch beside me, resting his head on my lap. “You’re up really early.” His deep voice was laced with grogginess which gave it a wonderfully rough sound.

    I shrugged down at him. “Yeah, I couldn’t really sleep.”

    Daniel yawned loudly. “That’s understandable.” There was a slight pause before he spoke again. “You should have woken me.”

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