Climate Change Poem

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This is for school...

A siren sings her song

Before a sailor's demise. She

Can be found singing her song before a

Destined species doomed by humans.

Even though we

Fight for change. Nothing big enough

Gets done to prevent our destiny and death.

How we could

Is simply a mystery.

Just like a novel with pages ripped from the seal impeding us from

knowing just how we could.

Lazy are our leaders who yearn for

Money rather than the prosperity of our

Neighbors who are floating in the

Ocean waters in their own homes.

Powerless to fight.

Quixotic are our dreams.

Remember them as you are

Stuck in your own home drowning in guilt from doing nothing.

Tenacious as you might be

Understand that you are doing nothing, but watching as our only home is being destroyed by our

Very own hands.

When did we mess up? Where did that

Xenophobia begin?

Yet here we are. Our world

Zested out leaving barren lands in its wake.

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