• five •

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A silence fell over the room when the smooth words escaped V's lips.
"Y-you mean that the forces which only act when the country is on a crisis?" Asked Hoseok and V gave a curt nod.

"But..but...you are so young..." Namjoon mumbled.
"Age doesn't matters in this force, only the talent" V said coldly.
"And what are you doing here and what is going on out there?" Asked Yoongi with a frown. V let out a sigh and sat down criss cross on the floor.

"Out there are...are zombies" V spoke softly and the boys let out gasps of horror and clung to each other,"Well know as white fire"

"You are kidding" Jungkook hissed and V shook his head ruefully.
"But how come we never knew about it?" Asked Jimin with a worry and fear filled expression.

"It was supposed to kept confidential until we are able to get hold of the situation. But, it slipped out of our hands" V growled, as if he was disappointed in himself.

"How did this start?" Asked Seokjin as he hugged Jungkook closer to him and Jungkook frowned, not sure if Seokjin was making sure if he was fine or if Seokjin himself was scared.

"Few weeks back" V sighed and closed his eyes shut as if he was having a bad headache and then opened them again,"Our scientists were trying to find a medicine for genetically damaged people. There was a psychopathic doctor who just experimented it on a person and this happened. It began spreading like a virus and we-we couldn't do anything but just watch people turn into zombies"

"But why haven't the government contacted the others countries for help?" Asked Yoongi as he folded his arms and leaned back against the wall for support.

"We did" V sighed,"But they refused to maintain any contact with us. Even the UN has blinded their vision"
"So...there is no one to help us...?" Jimin whispered.

"No one..." V said and looked down. A terrified silence fell over the seven. At a distance they could hear the muffled screams and yells.

They didn't spoke for a long time. V silently making patterns in the dust and chewing on his bottom lip, waiting patiently for the thing to strike the boys' mind.

"Wait!" Jungkook finally half yelled,"Are you here to ask for help from us?"
"Thank God" V hissed under his breath and looked up with a sickening smile,"Yes"

"But how can we help you V?" Namjoon asked,"We are students not military officials"
"And we are Army Namjoon not some scumbags. There must have been something that our officials saw in you that they are willing to seek help from you" V hissed,"When I left I promised to either bring you with me or not to go back at all"

"But V—" Hoseok started but V shushed him off by saying,"Please..."

"How are we supposed to do this?" Namjoon asked as he sat forward to regard V with a serious stare, wanting the younger to drop his dominant persona.

"We have a plan" V responded, his stare equally serious.
"What kind of plan..." Jimin asked and snuggled into Yoongi at which V couldn't help but grimace.

"Wait" V said and went back to the boxes and took out a map from it and went back in the position with the map spread out in front of him. The boys cradled around the map and peered over it. Jungkook sat behind V and looked over his shoulder with a hand rested gently between his shoulders.

"Look this is the university.." V pointed at the landmark and then his finger traced along a forested route then at a highway.

"I was supposed to take you all to the Army camp for training but we are cut short of time. So instead, I'll take you directly to Gwangju—" V said.

"Why there?" Asked Seokjin as he looked closer at the map.
"To get the antidote" V said as he looked up at the older. Seokjin gave him a amused look and scoffed—
"You think that we'll inject the antidote in every individual and pray that we survive through that. We should also open a camp where the zombies can come for recovery, cause surely they would love to"

V tensed under Jungkook's hand and Jeon gave him a worried look cause V seemed to be a guy who liked to be dominant and once, just once you try to wound his pride. He won't look at the age and roast you to nothing.

"Oh yes why not" V snarled back,"I was also wondering that we should give them coffee after the treatment right. You thick skull do you think that I'm a moron here!? Shut up and let me finish and then criticise otherwise I'll rip off your tongue"

Seokjin gave the younger a whole hearted glare and looked away, surely upset because of the whole over deal and then V's rude attitude wasn't helping either.

"Alright then?" Added Hoseok hastily not wanting any further fight.
"Then we leave to Daegu" V explained,"—You may not be knowing but let's say that there is a shield barrier that surrounds the country, which can we activated at the time of crisis. The barrier preserves the country from the anything that is outside, it also doesn't let the air from the outside come in. It was created when the northern and Southern Korea were at war—"

"What will we do of the barrier?" Asked Jungkook, his breaths fanning V's neck.
"There are some gas cylinders which can release necessary gases into the atmosphere when the barrier is activated"

"—we can fill the antidote in the cylinders and then release in the air. Whosoever will breath it will be fine again!" Namjoon finished V and the grey head smiled widely at Kim.

"Bingo!" V grinned.

"And also the Zombies can not leave the country and the disease won't spread further!" Jimin added and V ruffled his hair.

"But how will we go there? The railways and roads are probably blocked" Seokjin asked.

"We can use them. But we need to be every discreet, that means we have to switch the vehicles ever now and then" V said.

"So..." He then said and looked at the boys with a hesitant expression,"Who is in?"
"What if we say no?" Asked Seokjin coldly and V looked at him and said,"Then I'll do it alone. I'm saving my country"

The boys looked at themselves for a moment until Jungkook spoke up—

"I'm in"

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