67.Inaguration of Four season hospital

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Singto pov

Finally another long awaited mission completed. The dream hospital. We named it as 'Four season hospital'.

To treat everyone with kindness and respect and to create a disease free world is the vision of our hospital.

Conserving environmental resources while creating the best healing environment for patients and their families was an important goal I wanted to establish.

The hospital architecture and designs have vibrant colors and eye-catching materials both on the interior and exterior. The elements in today's best designs have been proven to improve patient care. The building also features a green roof, which helps to maintain a constant temperature, while prime positioning of its facades produces a cooler environment for patients. Our parents, friends everyone are so happy with it.

This hospital was designed with environment, beauty and function in mind for the interior and the exterior. From the extensive use of glass to illuminate the interiors with natural light, the vertical structures to improve patient-staff proximity and observation, and a glass globe entry way, this hospital uses its unique design as a main component of the healing and recovery process. The interior is filled with calming colors and tones and patient rooms were designed for ultimate privacy and complete natural sterile environment. Most importantly the energy-conserving boilers, green roofs and on-site power plants. Some of these innovative facilities to make everything eco-friendly.

 Some of these innovative facilities to make everything eco-friendly

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The inauguration ceremony was not so grand

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The inauguration ceremony was not so grand. It's followed by our parents, professors, friends and the team of doctors. We got so many hearty congratulations and best wishes from our well wishers and Krist's (peraya) fans.

We have led the way on developing solutions that improve patient care while reducing costs and preserving the environment.

Most efficient doctors are appointed in every department. The dream team is working and showing it's efficiency in handling and winning against the diseases. As quick as time also passing very fast.

The Four season hospital has now received international accreditation and is recognized as one of the best hospitals in Asia and for its eco-friendly architecture in the entire world. As such, it regularly receives patients from around Asia, Micronesia, the Middle East, and the United States some times other places. Some of my internship friends from USA joined this hospital. We didn't know it'll reach to that extent but we're happy to help people recover and enjoy a healthy life. We're even providing some free patient care and organizing donation camps and health clubs. We're also helping different orphanages.

It'll be great if all of our friends will join here... I'll always welcome them with open arms... As of now it's going pretty well.

We've this weekend party to attend, actually it's a private get-together after a long time. Our parents yeah they love to party but we didn't have any free time. We arranged it according to everyone. Finally we all friends will meet in this party. After this I think we won't be able to get free for a long time.

Krist pov

Oh yeah, finally am seeing the flying colors around me. The cheerful noises of the patients and the relaxing atmosphere it really feels awesome working here. The Four seasons hospital Singto's dream and our budding flower which blossomed spreading it's lovely fragrance not only here but all over the world. We never thought it'll be but it's surprisingly happened. I know it's because of everyone's good work and effort, also care we provide to our patients. We didn't hope for any recognition but we got it.

I love both the interior and the exterior. Mostly I love the surrounding nature. The garden created around hospital is really beautiful and the water fountains and the small stream. It's like the nature is embodied around this hospital. But really in a concrete city to create such a eco-friendly surrounding is quite admiring. To enter the hospital you've to go through this beautiful garden and nobody will think they're coming to a hospital. I'm happy how Singto thought about this planning of this hospital and the ecological campus. Also how Tay his architect friend design perfectly in the same way.

Singto always try to point out saying, "By taking whatever steps we can to improve the health of our environment, we also help protect the health of our patients, staff and community."

And we never thought but it happened. The hospital received LEED certification. It can also lay claim to being a pioneer in another environmentally friendly area, as it became the first healthcare facility nationwide to meet all of its power requirements with energy from renewable sources. Its use of geothermal, wind and low-impact hydroelectric power affords it a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. It also features an innovative ventilation system which rather than recycling air inside the hospital continually brings in fresh air from outside, offering significant air quality.

Our families and friends are really happy about the development of this hospital. We provide many facilities which is convenient for patients. And finance doesn't matter when it comes to someone's life.

Our parents arranged a party. Actually all of our friends are joining who're not available before. It'll be really good to meet all of them. Some relaxing time away from work.

Meeting all of our friends after such a long interval of time in our place, I'm really filled with happiness. Our parents too. We talked about everything not leaving a single silly thing.

Suddenly we heard this flood and the damages happened around some villages. More than half of our doctors visited there and the others are helping the critical patients in the hospital. Yeah we can't assume when natural disasters, calamities happen but at least we can help them cure. That's a proud feeling of a doctor I guess. We made this choice not for recognition, but because it's the right thing to do for our community.

We see everyone as same level in our eyes here. Not like if it's a minister we'll provide him service fast although he's not injured much and ignore and neglect the the critically ill citizen. This isn't a organization of partiality but it's a sacred place for healing both physically and phycologically. It's the new vision we provide to the patients that matters the most.

And I strictly believe that hospital should be a place of equal recognition irrespective of their status rich or poor. Who are we as human beings if we ignore the suffering of others. Being human is given but keeping our humanity is a choice. And I think it's hundred percent true.


Hi guys,
I'm really extremely sorry for the late update. I've so many excuses I can give but I don't want to because I know what's it's like to wait for an update. I'll try to free my mind and finish this one.
Thank you.☺️
See you around the fiction.🤗
Be kind to all creatures. This is the true religion.☺️

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