13 - Bergen

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The Northern Splendour finally returned to dry land. They had stayed at sea a few days longer to avoid stopping at Nordheim, pulling into port further down the coast briefly then stopping for longer at the great port of Bergen.

Here, the entire crew were allowed to go ashore, a rare event, leaving Vanderveer and Thorsten to arrange temporary repairs and the unloading of what little cargo was still fit for sale. They also despatched word to the WhitePeak head office of their misadventures and the urgent need for full repairs. A messenger was sent out carrying a long, personal letter written by Carluccio to Da Firenze's family in Italia. It explained the circumstances of his death and as some comfort, a full description of Da Firenze's glorious discovery of the remnants of the lost Antikaritos civilization. Many of the crew spent a few solid days of drinking and brawling in the local taverns, some simply left for other ships, not even waiting around to collect their wages.

Jonas took the opportunity to explore some of the great libraries of the city, scouring for all references to perpetual motion. Hours later, he came away with nothing new and certainly no references to anyone having ever successfully achieved it. He also made sure to remove the Antikaritos mechanism from the engine room, hiding it away in his cabin whilst the ship was filled with external labourers who gaped in disbelief at the great scores torn down the ship's hull and the great, pinkish leg resting up on the deck.

Following a response from the White Peak five days later, instructing their immediate return to Copenhagen, they sailed out of Bergen once more.

As the city slipped away behind them, one of the men up in the rigging pointed out that a small yacht appeared to be taking the same line as the Splendour. After an hour's sailing it became clear that it was following them. His curiosity aroused, the Captain ordered the sails to be drawn up, allowing the smaller vessel to catch up. Once close enough, the single passenger on the yacht — an old man with a wild, tuggy beard — hailed them, requesting permission to come aboard. The Captain granted this request but not before quietly sending off two officers to collect firearms.

Jonas, who had been exercising Dantes, watched with curiosity as a handful of sailors helped the wiry old man up onto the deck. His clothes were faded and torn, and with his long beard, he had the appearance of some ancient hermit. Once aboard, he and the Captain exchanged urgent words and the man was then escorted below deck. As he was being guided away though, the stranger caught sight of Jonas and for a moment, the boy thought he saw the man's eyes narrow a little beneath his heavy eyebrows. Jonas felt an uncomfortable chill grip him. Did this man recognise him? And if so how, and why? As Jonas peered back, he slowly felt the nagging sensation that he too knew the old man, but then the stranger was gone. Who could he be? Not a sailor or any merchant that Jonas had come across. He certainly wasn't a mechanician. From the orphanage? That didn't make sense either. Perhaps he had been a worker at Battersea Mills, but then why would a mill worker be out here, chasing them on a yacht? It didn't make any kind of sense.

Jonas threw the large knot for Dantes a while longer until the large, bounding beast finally tired, heading off to lay down in one of his favourite spots — under the steps leading up to the bridge. Jonas thought about heading down to his cabin or to see how Kitty was doing but didn't want to risk seeing that strange man again, not yet. So instead he went and plumped himself down at the prow and sat there for a while just watching the waves down below, gently lapping against the hull. It was getting towards the end of the day now, the sun was slowly falling towards the horizon, leaving a pinky orange haze in the pale sky. The sun was almost completely hidden behind the horizon when Kitty appeared and sat beside him. As was the tradition between them, neither said hello straight away, but after a while the silence became strange and Jonas turned to see that her eyes were pink, her face flushed.

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