9 - The Northern Splendour

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Being trapped in the ice had finally pushed the crew to the giddy brink of mutiny. Once back in relatively safer waters, a group had cornered Sol who quickly confirmed just how far north they had deviated from the agreed search area. Da Fireneze and Vanderveer's quest had now led them into far greater dangers and discomfort than anyone had expected.

"With respect sir, this sounds like folly," Lieutenant Thorsten confronted Vanderveer up on deck. "We're far further north than originally planned. The fact you chose to keep this quiet from everyone but the Navigators suggests that you already know this."

"It has become very clear that we have exhausted our search of the remainder of the Arctic and so it is logical to move onwards. Signor Da Firenze believes this city or ruins could well be locked in ice which would explain its elusiveness," Vanderveer replied, his voice as calm and calculated as ever.

"But what happens if we become stuck again or one of those icebergs tears the hull under the waterline? We're not equipped for these sorts of conditions."

"Do you doubt the capability of our fine ship, Mr Thorsten?"

A small knot of men was forming around them now, anxious eyes peering into their backs.

"I have every faith in the Splendour and her crew, sir, but this is her maiden voyage, we are short on supplies with a weary crew. Let us return to land and resupply — then come back renewed. At the very least we will have informed the Company of our whereabouts so there will be a hope of rescue if anything goes amiss."

A chorus of supportive grunts followed this. More than half the crew had gathered now. Jonas and Kitty watched from where they had been throwing a knot of rope for Dantes.

"Mr Thorsten, as ever I value your input, but the decision has been made. A few more weeks and we can return to port properly and collect our full payment from Signor Da Firenze — enough no doubt to warrant some extended shore leave."

This last comment was directed at the men more than Thorsten, clearly to try and win back favour, but seemed to incur the opposite.

"Shore leave's no' good if am sittin' frozen at the bottom of the ocean!" someone hollered from the rear of the crowd.

"Aye a nuff's a nuff," agreed Heron, along with a wave of nodding heads.

The Captain turned to give the crew his full attention.

"Listen you band of lazy dogs — a little less of this attitude and a bit more elbow grease and we might finished this task by now."

A couple of the men actually booed.

"Some Captain you are — put Thorsten in charge," said one man, and Jonas saw it was the old harpooner Koepfler. The mob cheered at this idea, though Thorsten looked far from pleased.

"Mutiny is it?" snarled Vanderveer. "We'll just see about that."

He marched over to a large coil of heavy rope and laid it out across the deck as a line.

"Those of you want to carry on doing as they're told, step over here," the Captain instructed. "Those that want to hang by their necks, stand on the other!"

"He can't be serious," whispered Kitty. "He's going to get himself locked in with Doyle."

"Or thrown overboard," replied Jonas, the memory of Dr Northwood's punishment sharp in his mind.

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