CH 1

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(y/n) cautiously treaded deeper into the dimly lit hallway of her new home, upon the wishes of the master of this castle. Lord Madara himself has called the small girl to his presence, deep into the darkness of his chambers.

Making her way, (y/n) couldn't see her feet any more, her light pink floral kimono was barely in her sight. she gripped the soft silken fabric to ease her mind. Lord Madara, one of the few powerful vampires in this castle, has called the poor girl to his abode. The reason? The girl couldn't quite catch.

But she did have an idea, She was new after all, but every single vampire in the castle had their eyes set on her. Or more accurately, the blood coursing through her veins, pumped by her fragile little heart.

(y/n) took a quiet gulp as she reached yet another hallway, but this time, she could see torches lighting the narrow walls. The timid girl sighed in relief, finally being able to see again. Yet, she still felt an eerie presence, she felt as though she was being watched. A shiver ran down her spine as she took another shaky step. Placing one foot infront of the other, she continued down the hallway, her eyes set on the dark, blood-red double door at the very end.

(Y/n) took a deep breath, and kept her head high, her back straight. "I can do this." she thought to herself. As the girl kept her gaze forward, she failed to see the deep red liquid puddled on the wooden floor beneath her feet, and she slipped embarrassingly. The girl let out a high pitched yelp as her body fell backwards. She awaited the hard floor, but was met with the warm arms of a boy.

"Hey idiot, why don't you watch where you step next time?" The taller boy growled at her. His name is Sasuke, she had met him previously when she had just been brought home, apparently she fetched for quite a high price, and was valuable to all of the men here, which she couldn't quite understand.

The timid girl gasped loudly, turning around and stepping away from the boy, only for her back to bump into the chest of yet another man. He placed his hand on her shoulder, to which she looked up at him, his dark hair pulled into a low ponytail, with just a bit to frame his handsome face. The girl flushed, turning her gaze downwards to hide the blush that spread across her face. Itachi's warm smile had managed to win her heart, despite only seeing it a few times.

Crouched down at the girls feet, and where her gaze was set, sat another boy with a wide smile etched onto his adorable face. She couldn't help but feel safe seeing his sweet, close eyed smile flashing up at her, and she smiled back. Shisui couldn't contain his joy at this, and launched himself at the small girl, wrapping his arms around her body, engulfing her in his warm, tight embrace.

"Ahhh! You're so cute! I'm so glad Madara-san brought you back that day." Shisui gushed, taking in a long whiff of her enchanted scent, a sly smirk creeping to his face.

The startled girl timidly hugged him back, which earned a glare from the younger Uchiha. Sasuke to be exact.
"Oi, Shisui, I think the girl had somewhere to be." Sasuke motioned towards the shadowed double-doors.
"Oh yes, you're right Sasuke.." Shisui stated quietly. He didn't want to let go of (y/n), he felt in complete bliss wrapped in her gentle hold. He took in one more deep breath of her heavenly scent and sadly let her go.

"You don't want to keep him waiting." Itachi said coldly, as he gently pushed the girl forward.

(y/n) finally came to her senses, beginning to feel sickness well up in her stomach. She had been told not to be late, and if she was, there would be consequences. Tears brimmed her eyes, that she quickly wiped away, replaced with a determined look.

"Th-Thank you for catching me Sasuke. It wouldn't be polite to stain the beautiful kimono you all have gifted to me."

All three men were taken back by the sweet, smooth voice of the girl. They all looked at her in shock, as if she was an angel. Which she very well may be at this point. The way she enchanted them with her beauty, scent, and voice. Everything about (y/n) was ethereal.

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