CH 4

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(Y/n) stared at the red carpet, in a trance almost. She wondered what just happened, and why her body was in tatters. (Y/n) looked back to see if Obito was still there, but he had completely disappeared. The girl sighed, and decided it would be best to see Sakura again.

(Y/n) strained to get on her feet, and alas she made it. Taking her weak arm and pushing open the infirmary door, she was blasted with the immense brightness of the sun.
"S-Sakura?!" The weak girl cried out.
"I'm hurt again.." (Y/n) whined, too lazy to walk around and search for her.

Sakura heard her name being called, and ran as fast as she could to the small girl.
"Oh my gosh!! What happened to you
(Y/n)? You look so terrible!" Sakura looked like tears were about to flow from her eyes.
"O-Obito.." (Y/n) stuttered, before collapsing to the ground.
Sakura gasped, picking up the girl with ease and running to the same room as before. Sakura carefully set (Y/n) down on the nicely made bed, and quickly gathered her bandages before taking a seat next to girl.
"I feel so bad for you (Y/n).. You have the hardest job out of anyone here. I promise I'll always be here to help you if you need anything. Okay?" Sakura began to remove (Y/n)'s clothing, careful not to strain the poor girl's body.
"O-Okay." She stuttered.
Once she was left in her undergarments, Sakura tossed the bloody kimono into a bin in the corner of the room.
(Y/n) closed her eyes as Sakura disinfected and bandaged her neck again.
"I'll start a bath for you so you can get cleaned up."  Sakura stood up from the bed, placing her tools away and quietly shutting the door behind her.

~Sakura POV~

I swiftly walked to the end of the corridor, opening the womens bathroom door and shutting it behind me. The bathroom was large and simple. The bath was twice as large as regular tubs, and the room was decorated sweetly with flowers, each corner adorned with a new blossom.

I walked over to the tub, turning on the hot water. Taking a deep breath I opened a cabinet and pulled out bags of epsom salts, oils, and flowers. I poured a bag of the salt into the water to help ease (Y/n)'s soreness, then I mixed in the oils to add an alluring scent for relaxation.
After the oils mixed into the water, I placed rose petals of red, pink, and orange into the water.

"Ah! So pretty.." I beamed to myself. I decided the bath would look much better with some crystals, so I grabbed the rose quartz from the cabinet as well, placing them at the corners of the large tub.
"Perfect." I looked up to the window, opening the glass frames to let in some fresh air.
The window didn't have a screen, but it did have wooden bars that almost reminded me of a cell.

~(Y/N) POV~

I wrapped the warm heavy white blankets of the infirmary bed around myself, taking a deep sigh as I waited for Sakura. Taking a look around the room, I took in the small details around me.

There was a medium sized window near the ceiling of the wall, which appeared to have bars covering the outer portion of window. There's a brown woven basket filled with an abundance of flowers overflowing from it.

The corner of the room has a sink and a cabinet, which I assume is for Sakura's medical tools. There's a large closet on the wall furthest away from the bed. I'm not sure what's in there..
Theres a small white couch at the end of the bed, and a large painting of what appears to be Izuna and Madara.


The heavy door creaked open and Sakura smiled warmly at (Y/n).
"The bath is ready." Sakura greeted.
(Y/n) climbed out of the bed, her bare feet warm on the cold floor. She held her arms to her chest shyly, stepping out of the room as Sakura held the door open for her.
"Hehehe.. (Y/n) you're so cute! No need to be shy, I'm the only doctor here anyways." Sakura grinned.
(Y/n) smiled to the floor, letting her arms down as she followed Sakura down the infirmary halls.

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