Chapter 12

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"I won't be able to make it to training tomorrow," I told Mr Linder, "something has come up that I need to do."

That 'something' was Maria. She told me that if I wanted to stay in the house I needed to skip soccer training and speak with her tonight. Little did she know I'd been looking for new apartments to move into. I was done, I wanted out.

"Ah, that's a shame. I'll let the girls know," he replied.

"They're all still in the change room so I'll just tell them now," I explained, before walking off the change rooms.

When I opened the door I scanned the room, seeing which girls from the team were in there. My eyes eventually landed on India as she stood there, her wet hair dripping down onto her naked chest. The normal Ruby would've taken advantage of the situation, flirting and complimenting how well endowed she was, but teacher Ruby was prohibited to do that. I simply gulped my feelings down and spoke to the rest of the team, avoiding eye contact with India.

"I won't be at training tomorrow girls, but Mr Linder will be there. If you don't have any classes with me tomorrow then I'll see you next week," I told them, and with one last glance at India I walked quickly out of the room.

I needed to get out of there, to shake the thought of my student's chest from my mind. I had barely left the gym when I heard a voice, that voice, calling my name.

"Miss Rose!"

I ignored her, continuing to walk to my car.

"Miss Rose!" she persisted, and I turned around.

"Yes, India?" I said. I wanted to get out of there.

"Are you okay?" she asked me, her eyes full of concern.

"I'm fine India, what did you want to talk about?" I all but snapped.

"Why won't you be at practice tomorrow?" she asked. I knew she would ask me that.

"I have a personal commitment that I have to tend to," I said shortly.

"Is it because of your girlfriend?" she asked, and I frowned. She was right.

"This isn't something we should be discussing, Miss Thorn!" I said, and I turned on my heel to walk away.

"Wait!" she said, and she grabbed my arm. I instantly felt aroused at her touch, but quickly pushed that thought from my mind.

"I really need to go, India!" I said, desperate to be out of her grip.

"Okay...sorry. Um, I'll see you in class tomorrow," she said sadly, letting her arm drop from mine. I nodded and turned, walking hurriedly to my car in order to get as far away from her as possible.

Once in my car I quickly turned it on and sped out of the driveway, eager to leave the school and India behind me. Whilst driving I called Kelsey, asking her if I could come over and stay the night. She agreed, and I made my way to her house on the opposite side of Varsity Lakes.

"Mate, you look an absolute wreck. What is going on?" Kelsey said as I walked through her front door.

"Don't even ask," I muttered, throwing myself down onto the couch and sighing loudly.

"Is it Maria?" she asked, the venom clear in her voice.

"For once, no. It's not," I said honestly.

"Then what is it?" she asked, sitting down next to me and giving me her undivided attention.

"Don't judge me...okay?" I asked worriedly. I needed to get this off my chest.

"When have I ever judged you?" she said, and I laughed in reply.

"It's one of my students," I said simply, throwing my head back against the soft lounge cushion.

"What do you mean? Are they giving you a hard time or...?" she began.

"No, it's not that, she's just..."

"She...?" Kelsey asked, "Don't tell me you've got the hots for one of your students, Ruby..."

I said nothing, but just looked at her. Her mouth hung open as her eyes widened.

"Ruby Rose, you start from the very beginning and you explain everything to me right now! I don't want any missed details!" she exclaimed.

"It's not what you think, I don't like her. I mean I do, she's a cool girl. If she wasn't my student she'd be someone I'd hang out with. But I don't like her like that," I explained.

"Well then, why is she bothering you so much?" Kelsey asked me.

"Because she's so fucking hot!" I said simply, looking her dead in the eye, "And today when I went into the change rooms she was standing there topless practically flaunting her tits in my face."

"Wow..." Kelsey said while nodding her head.

"And she's such a flirt. She says the most inappropriate things but I can't bring myself to scold her because I actually like it!" I admitted. "If I had met her in a club I would've taken her then and there, but she's my fucking student. I shouldn't be thinking like this."

"You can't help how you feel, Rubes...and I'm probably not the best person to talk to about this because I'd definitely prefer you having illegal sex with your student than continue your toxic relationship with Maria!" she said with a chuckle.

"Fuck Kelsey, you're no help!" I sighed.

"I know. Now show me a photo of this girl, and don't pretend you haven't stalked her on Instagram because I know you have," she said cheekily, and I rolled my eyes and searched her on Instagram.

"Damn, she's really hot!" Kelsey said as she took my phone and continued to scroll through her profile.

"I know, that's my problem," I whined.

"But, she's not really your type though, is she? I mean, the girls you've gone for in the past have been super girly, but this girl seems kinda like a tomboy," Kelsey said.

"She is a tomboy, but I don't think she's necessarily a stud. She wears a skirt to school..." I explained as Kelsey nodded.

"Right, well... I don't know what to tell you Ruby. Do you think she has feelings for you?" she asked.

"No. From what I've noticed she doesn't seem to settle down. I don't think she gets feelings for others very easily..." I said.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see. Although I can't deny I'd love to hear some teacher/student rough sex stories," she said.

"You really are absolutely no help whatsoever!" I complained.

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