Chapter 8

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I sat next to Tate's body for as long as I could. I gently stroked his hair as the detectives did their work. Taking pictures of the scene and such. I didn't really pay much attention. My focus was solely on my dead love. I didn't want this for him. As much as I would've loved for him to stay with me forever, I knew that he had so much potential. He could've done so much with his life. I truly believe that. He could've done great things.

The officers had finished their work and were about to take Tate's body. I quickly stood up from the body only to run into someone. As I did, I could feel arms wrap around me.

"Tate!" I quickly turned around and gave him the biggest hug I could possibly manage. "Tate, I'm so sorry. I tried my very best to protect you but it wasn't enough. I'm so sorry," I spat out a million miles an hour.

"What do you mean (name)? What happen-" he didn't even manage to get out the question before his gaze shifted to the lifeless body on the floor.

"Who is that?" His voice was very urgent.

"Tate dear, that's-" I couldn't finish my statement as he had grabbed my shoulders hard. He knew but he didn't want to believe it. "Tate, that's you."

The dull look in his eyes told me that he knew it to be true. "How did- what happened-" he wasn't able to get out a single sentence.

"I'm so sorry Tate but you were killed here... Do you know why?" I looked up at him as I asked the question.

"No I don't. What did I do?"

I took his hand in mine and left gentle kisses on it. "I think you need to learn that for yourself. It's the only way you'll be able to move on." I looked down in sadness. I greatly wish I could tell him but he'd never heal that way.

I could feel eyes staring holes into me. "Why can't you just tell me!" He grabbed me again by the shoulders and shook me a bit. Tears were streaming down his face at this point and I could feel the anger that had built up inside of him.

"I can't tell you that! You need to remember on your own!" Tears began to trickle down my face as he uttered words I couldn't have pictured him to ever say.

"Go away."

And so I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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