The Joker's Sister

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I woke up and saw Namjoon next to me. remembering last night, I smiled and kissed him on the forehead before rolling out of bed and padding my way towards the bathroom. I quickly laid out clothes for myself and began to brush my teeth after doing my business. As I was brushing my teeth, I saw a sleepy Namjoon trudge into the bathroom and wrap his arms around my waist.
"It's too early, Jagi" He groaned as he leant against my shoulders.

"Ya,  akh ha a sif sarwing soon" I replied. He took the toothbrush out of my mouth, causing me to spit out the paste in surprise.

"Don't be cute early in the morning. I can't take it after seeing you last night," he teased.

"I said, I have a shift starting soon. Before the whole hospital thing, I had found a job working as a teacher in a school for adults who didn't get an education. I help them with languages and stuff," I told him before rinsing my mouth and washing my face. He held my hair back from my face as I rinsed off the soap.

"Do you want to take a shower first, or should I go?" I asked him.

"Why not just take it together? It saves water that way," He replied, tugging me into his bare chest.

"Because I want a bath now...?" I replied, giving him a weirded out look.


"Yes or no?"

"I'll go first," He said quickly and I got out of the bathroom. After a while, I heard the shower run before he began to call me.

"Jagi, I think something's broken!" I rushed in to see what he was talking about but then immediately closed my eyes, tripping over into him. He picked me up and made me stand in front of him in the shower, taking off the shirt I had put on.

"there is a reason why my IQ is 148," He said and I gave in.

He walked me to the bus stop, waiting until it came and then stayed on the call with me until I had reached the school. I was in the middle of teaching when I got a call from BigHit. I ignored it and continued with the class, only for it to ring again. I sighed and finished the lesson and answer the call.


"Good morning, Mi-Hi. We just wanna say that there is a full-time vacancy as a translator and tutor at our company on offer, if you're interested."

I was shocked. I had just started this job and was suddenly offered a new one? I finished up the call saying that I'll think about it and went to my boss immediately after. For some reason, he told me to take it. I called them up again and took the offer up, before spamming Namjoon. He called me.

"Jagi! Stop spamming me and tell me what happened," I caught the amusement in his voice.

"You are one clever pabo, you know that right?" I laughed. I knew that this was his doing, only he'd be able to get a job opening for something like this.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" He laughed. I finished off the day in a very happy mood and went home.

Namjoon was sitting on the sofa with headphones in his ears. I flopped down beside him and he took them off.

"So, I hear you got a new job?" He smiled. I smiled back and got up to make us something to eat. He tried to help but since I only had one frypan, I told him to sit on the island and watch. He set the table once I had finished and we sat down and ate.

"Is it alright if I leave some of my stuff here?" He asked through mouthfuls of food.

"If you want to, but why are you asking?" I replied, wondering what he was up to.

"It's just, I want you to have something of me for when I'm not here. The comeback is around the corner and I'm not going to be able to spend time with you. And then straight after, we'll be going on tour around Asia, so..." He finished his food and looked at me.

"So? I'll still be here. You can leave your stuff here regardless of having a reason or not," I replied, finishing my plate and picking his plate up. I took them to the sink and began to wash them as Namjoon leant against the counter.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked.

"I'm always too busy for you, and yet you still wait for me," He said. I could see the guilt on his face and splashed him with water.

"You know, if Oppa found out what we did last night, he'd bring out more than just his water guns. I think he'd blast you with a whole water bomb and lock me away in a tower, guarded by soldiers carrying water weapons," I changed the subject.

"Hahaha... Don't joke about that... no offence but Taetae can be extremely scary at times," he frowned before continuing, "And so can you, you know!" We both laughed.
"Well, I am the Joker's sister!" I replied and we spent the rest of the day together. Happily.

The End

A/N: Thank you to anyone and everyone who's read this book! I'll have the sequel up tomorrow hopefully so please look forward to it!

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