Chapter 31_LAY

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"Hyung save Se Ra now!" Chan Yeol commanded me.

"D.O!"I shouted as a signal for D.O to do the next action. He stomp his right foot on the door. The door opened and we rushed inside of the dark room where we found Se Ra laying down on the old chair.

"Se Ra!" D.O shouted but there is someone with her. We can't see his face because of the dark room but we believe he is a man due to his physical shadow.

"Who are you? Let her go, you bastard!" D.O commanded.

This guy laughed out of sudden. Hey, we didn't make any pranks or stupid acts. So why he need laughed?

"Why should I?" he asked and made the entire room bright with his power. So he possessed the same power as Baek Hyun. He is light.

"LET HER GO NOW!!"(Kris)

All of us spun our body where we found Kris and Su Ho. Where is Chan Yeol? I guess he still busy fighting with that fire guy.

"Where is my ally?" That light guy asked with his angry face.

"That fire mask guy? He's run away after I defeated him," Chan Yeol said at the front door. All of us looked at him. He seems mad.

"He's not run away. He gave you a chance to live," he said with arrogant face.

"Pftt. Don't made me laugh. He's coward because he didn't fight me after my friends went in earlier. He even wore a mask to hide himself," Chan Yeol replied.

"Are you sure? You better be ready. I just want to tell you something. Make sure you didn't encounter your enemy who had the same power like you. My lady is a little bit kind hearted because she let you go Mr. Park Chan Yeol. She will win against you earlier and killed you with her great fire blast but that wouldn't be fun to see you die early, am I right?" he said.

"So did you mean the one that own fire power is a girl?" I asked.

"The red mask guy is a girl?" D.O said.

"Why should I answer it?" that guy said. That guy really make me mad when he is talking proudly.

"CASSANDRA!!!" he shouted out of sudden. Who the hell he's summoning now? Don't tell me he called that weirdo red mask guy or should I mention a girl?

Someone appeared right away with wearing all purple. Another ally, I guess. HUH? Although, that weirdo purple person wear a mask, we believe she is a girl, judging from her figure.

"See you again, guardian of the South," that light guy said and both of them disappeared right away. All of us went to Se Ra who still fainted.

"Se Ra, Se Ra wake up," D.O said.

"Guys, let me help," I said. I sit and try to use my power but I can't do it.

"What happen?" Su Ho asked.

"I don't know," I said and try to use my power for numerous time.

"I don't think we can wake her up. I still can feel a strong spell here," Kris said.

"Let me carry her," Chan Yeol said and lifted her in bridal style. I just looked at him take away her.

"So that Cassandra possessed teleportation power HUH?" Kris guessed.

"So she is same with Kai then," Su Ho said.

"Yeah and she's the one that Kai must avoid," Kris said.

"Chan Yeol met the fire element earlier but they didn't fight. I wonder why," D.O said.

"There must be something," Kris said and from his looks I believe he is confused now.

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