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Ring. Ring. Ring.

Todoroki nervously glared at the phone.

Ring. Ring.


"Thank god."


Todoroki sighed in relief. He could barely believe that the man on the other end had decided to answer his call. Then it struck him, he didn't even know this man's name.

The small, sweet voice came over the speaker once again.


"Hey there! You hung up on me so I just wanted to see if you're alright.. you had me worried there."

"Worried? About me? Really..? I'm not worth it, sorry for wasting your tim-"

"Not at all! I'm the one who called you, wasn't I? You asked for my help, and I'll do anything to complete what you asked of me."

"O-oh, um, thanks for calling me again.." Midoriya could feel himself begin to blush, a man he didn't even know had spent the time to call him just to make sure he was okay. "Wait I don't even know his name!" Midoriya thought. He cursed himself for being so foolish. "H-hey, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's your name? You don't have to tell me or anything-" Midoriya began to feel worried that he was asking for too much.

"It's no problem at all, my name's Shoto Todoroki, but you can just call me Shoto. Now, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"Alright Shoto... um, my name's Izuku Midoriya, but everyone calls me D-Deku.."

Todoroki was confused by the nickname Deku. He knew it's meaning and was concerned about why everyone called him that, he didn't have the nerve to ask though. Deku was obviously going through a tough time, so asking such personal questions may not be the best option.

"Izuku Midoriya, huh?" The name slid off Todoroki's tounge nicely. "Cute name."

"C-call me Deku, please." Midoriya began to stutter upon his own words. His face became a brilliant red.

"Alright Deku, now, how can I help you?"

"C-can we just talk together for a little bit? Talking to you is really helping take my mind off things. S-Sorry to bother you!"

"I'd love to talk! How about you tell me a little bit about your life? Don't been pressured, if you're uncomfortable just tell me. I can talk about myself instead if you'd like."

Normally Midoriya wouldn't be so eager to talk to someone, but this Shoto guy made him feel safe, and cared for. "Y-Yeah, I can talk. Um, I'm going into my senior year of Highschool at UA Highschool next week-"

Todoroki let out a surprised gasp.

"I'm going to UA next week too!"

"You're kidding." Midoriya giggled lightly.

"I assure you I'm not. I hope I see you, Deku!"

Midoriya's stomach erupted with butterflies.

"I-I hope I see you too, Shoto."

It was Todoroki's turn to blush now. Hearing Deku's soft voice over the speaker was giving him butterflies. Todoroki's desk partner at the Suicide Hotline, Momo Yaoyorozu, took notice of this.

"Hmm, well isn't this a sight to see? The calm Todoroki blushing? Is it a once in a life time opportunity?" Momo teased.

"Shut up." Todoroki replied, almost stuttering.

"Oh~ so Todoroki is blushing! Who's the cutie you're talking to then?"

Deku began to blush even more. Was Shoto blushing because of him? "S-Shoto..?" He interrupted.

"Aww!~ He sounds so cute! You got a good one Todoroki!" Momo fangirled.

Todoroki was a blushing mess now.

"Oh! I have to go! That cutie Kyoka is calling me! Wish me luck, Todoroki!~"

"May the gay gods bless you, Yaoyorozu."

Momo giggled and left the room excitedly.

"I apologize Deku, Momo is a bit crazy at times." Todoroki chuckled apologetically.

"Oh, it's no problem at all! I kinda liked listening to you guys.."

"Sorry if we made you uncomfortable, I don't know if you're comfortable with LGBT people or not.. we got a bit carried away."

"It would be unfortunate if I didn't support the LGBT community, considering I'm Bisexual."

Todoroki's multicolored eyes sparkled.

"That's relieving to hear, I'm actually gay, and if you couldn't tell, Momo's a raging lesbian queen."

"It's nice talking to someone I can actually relate to.."

"I agree, Deku."

"I hope you don't mind me asking, b-but what's your actual p-phone n-number? L-like your p-personal one?"

"Oh, it's xxx-xxx-xxxx call me anytime!"

"T-thanks! I should be going now, I'll call you later.."

"Bye Deku! I loved talking to you!"

Deku had fallen hard for this boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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