my...sister in law?

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OK guys here is a new chapter
Yes I'm uploading a chapter early because I got my phone back from nightmare....don't tell him.
Also I'm going to be in the story.
Good luck

This is canon misaki

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This is canon misaki. You are gonna meet him and me in a few minutes .well help you get away and leave the country for good.

(The chapter begins here)
Y/n's POV
It was a month since that day he said he loved me . even tho I only know him for 3months it feels like I have known him Langer. He also acts a lot like...Lukas. If I don't get out of here fast I'm gonna go crazy. I hear a knock at the door."come in" the door opened to reveal Alfred with his hand behind his back.
"Hello princess,how was your day?" I gave him a smile "it was alright Alfred .I just wish I could do something instead of staying in my room all day." 'Ever since that day a month ago .Alfred had forbid me to leave the room unless its with him ,his mother or a guard but he didn't trust any of the guards.' I sigh "I'm sorry princess but I can't let you leave while knowing someone will harm you. But hey I brought you something." He pulled a pure red rose from his back with a teddy bear .(I don't know if there were stuffed animals in this time line since this is the early 1200)
I took both the rose and the bear. I put the rose in a vase near my bed and put the teddy bear on the bed."thank you Alfred I love them. I will cherish them with my heart" he gave me a smile full of love. "I will leave but I will c-"
A guard bust thru the door. The guard wore a different armer.
It was made of iron and he wore a dark blue leather uniform under neath it.
"Hello prince .I'm here to bring you down and to take the girl you held captive."the guard said . Alfred looked at him in anger but before Alfred could anything he was knocked out. He fell to the floor .the guard grabbed me and also knocked me out.

>time skip<
I woke up in a bed that I didn't remember . I looked around the room that was a sky blue color .
I looked at myself and saw I was wearing a white night gown that to me knees. I got out of the bed and looked around trying to find a clue of where I am. The door opened to reveal a girl my age.
Her hair looked like snow and was super super long. She also had one grey and red eye. Her skin was also a bit tanned .
She gave me a warm smile.
"Oh good your awake."I nodded my head "who are you?" She looked at me with a warm smile again."I'm Monica Shadowlane. I'm your sister in law." I looked at her in pure shock.
"M-my what?!" She giggled
"I'm your sister in law. I had married your brother a year ago. I'm so happy that we had finally found you to and just in time ."
I stood there dumfounded for a moment until I came back to my senses .'she said she married my brother. Was he still alive all these years. Its been almost 6years since we separated .'"is my brother here ?" She nodded her head ."follow me to the throne room ...oh by the way you can call me Wolfy or Shadowlane." I nodded my head and followed her to the throne room .when the doors opened to the throne room I saw my brother sitting on a king's throne.
He smiled and ran up to me.
We hugged and tears began to fall from my eyes .
"Y/n I'm so happy you are alright."."I missed you so much brother." He hugged me tighter as if I'm gonna disappear again."I have been searching for you for the past 6years and heard that you were taken to the castle by the prince. I thought you were dead at first but now I'm happy you are here now" he gave me a kiss on my head like he used to do when we were little.
"Oh ,by the way you have met Monica my wife right?" I nodded and looked at the girl next to my brother."she is the princess of the night and moon. She had found out that you were held captive and we crated a plan to rescue you. She also found out that the man you call Alfred is actually Lukas." I looked shocked "w-what!" "Yeah .he had a witch give him a  potion to change his looks and gave you a potion to forget a few things you saw."
"What do we do now .he will surely come for me"

Me: yay we are sisters .don't you worry boys .I will make a female yandere x male reader story after I'm done with this book ok.
Now I have to p-
N-sans: *uses his tentacles to grab me and pull me to him.* I told you. You  need to rest more writing for you for the entire week .
Me: nooooooo .my pups need me. I have to upload them a new story every week.
N-sans: I know but you have school tomorrow and a lot of homework to make also its 20:40pm and you still haven't studied or done your homework.
Me: fine .will you tell them I said good night.
N-sans: yes now go make your homework and study.
Me: *leaves the room to go study and do homework.*I hate school.
N-sans: so that is it my little nightmares. I will make sure she doesn't over do herself .late nightmares.

Nightmare and his future bride are out.\(@///@)./

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