Knowing Beethoven

76 18 15
  • Dedicated to Mrs Breen who introduced me to great music and helped me to play in her orchestr

I went to Bonn 

to visit the birth home  

of one who tamed storms      rode them  

                                              like dragons. 

His home was emptied      dead      there was nothing of him there 

so I wandered 

seeing colour in the distance. 

I was bemused by the sight - fifty fiercely frowning  


pedestaled and in rondo* arrangement. 

Painted fibreglass busts tagged  

so and so's analysis  

of him - the great man (Beethoven). 

I curled up my lip at the taste of the Art: 

Piano man/Picasso fan/Fruit boy*  

It was meant to be fun 

so I quizzed each one 

enquired in my mind their intention. 

As there seemed none - 

I strolled 

to somewhere pivotal  

then rotated to deconstruct the rhythm. 

My London Eye-sideways-look attempted  

to unearth 

the random-unrandom pattern. 

Then I gave a small nod 

seeing what I had not 

when assessing each fragment in isolation. 

For who can possibly know 

by act, sign or word 

who is Butcher, who Beaver, who Billiard-marker? 

Despite collation of facts 

tic tac tic tac toeing 

in an teenie meanie mind kind of way? 


Who could ever never know 

tic tac tic tac toe any man or woman in that way? 

Sometimes we are wise to      circumscribe  

what's seen through painted eyes (Weeping Woman - weird portrait by Picasso). 

I walked away shuffling     spluttering     whistling  

tootling Lennon's greatest love song (to his son)  

and I passed an amusement park 

brim-stuffed with frolicsome  


wild-eyed, hooting and chittering.  

Good, thought this cat     rat-a-tat-tat 

no Snarks*lurking here 

                                       -that's a fact. 

And I smiled 

                     gave a nod 

waved delighted 

                           moved on 

for the knowing of Beethoven was  



(Cue: Beethoven's 9th:)  )

Rondo - In rondo form, a principal theme (sometimes called the "refrain") alternates with one or more contrasting themes, generally called "episodes. - Wikipedia 

Fruit Boy - Giuseppe Arcimboldo: Emporer Rudolf II - famous for painting portraits that consisted entirely of fruit and vegetables. 

Hunting of the Snark:https:

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