chapter 1:Who Is At The Top?

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"Hey! Wait up! " "Hurry!  Im only walking! " Justin shouted,"Im trying to pick up my pants!" Nick yelled back, Justin stopped and waited for Nick

When Nick caught up with Justin, they walked to the gate and pulled out cards to verify who they are.

Girls stared at the two hunks walking through the gate, "Wow....Nick is hotie! With his soft blond hair swifted to the side....His gorges smile...His light blue eyes..And his amazing body..."

"No....Justin is hoter! His spiked up brown hair, his glasses,his muscular body, and his sexy smile! Makes a girl drool! " two girls argued.

Nick saw a small boy geting bullied, he walked up to them "hey! Quit this stupidity! Or ill bully you myself!" Nick told him, the bully stud up for himself "uh.....Really how? You gonna tell daddy?" He taunted.

Nick took a big sigh, and round housed kicked him. "Nick! Why did you do that! You know what to do!" Justin told him angry, "Tsk! I didn't feel like doing it! Its eight o'clock in the morning!" He told Nick.

"Student's!  Its Time For 1ST Pireod! " The intercom squeaked as it told us, Nick and Justin walk to there 1st pireod as girls followed them drooling.

"Class! Settle down!  Britney! Close your mouth! And stop staring at Nick! Mandy!  Stop staring at Justin!" Mr.Boldson shouted with his high pitched voice.

"Dam! it stinks like crap in here! " "Hey! Mr.Boldson! Can you shut your mouth thats probably why it smells like carp!" Nick and Justin kept insulting the teacher, and smiled at each other as the whole class laughed.

Mr.Boldson turned red and called the principal, Nick and Justin walked to the office.

"Dam....That dude needs to chill out." Nick complained, "Yeah that idiot can't control us! We are the two smartest, good looking, and sweetest men in the whole school!" Justin bragged.

Justin and Nick stoped at the principals door, and took out their avatars. "Sin Master!"Nick shouted "Godess Of The Night!" Justin shouted.

Nicks avatar came out with his silky smooth light blue shirt, skinny jeans full of holes,dark brown medium hair,his two sowrds, and his sandles. "Yes king Nick......" he asked in his deep voice.

Justin's avatar came out with her magnificent body in a long black dress with diamonds and holes every where, knee high boots,lushes lips with black lipstick on, long sharp purple nails, and long blond with red highlights hair.

Godess Of The Night and Sin Master, put their hands on a pad whiched opened the door. "Finally! Now first put away your avatars and then sit..." He demanded, "Leave Godess Of The Night" "Leave Sin Master" Nick and Justin commanded,then sat down.

"Now boys, I have been geting complaints about your language, effort, and being late every time....Can you tell me why this is happening? " he asked crossing his arms,"First!  Its not fair that I have to give hundred percent at eight o'clock in the morning!" Nick answered rolling his eyes.

"And its Stupid that we always have to be on time! And our language is perfectly normal! " Justin added on.

"Okay I agree but, just because your father owns this school doesn't mean you two can be a problem for the school year!  Boys fix it or ill suspend you two, am I understood? "

Nick and Justin noded, they got up summoned their avatars again. "Sin Master " " Godess Of The Night " they Shouted, their avatars put their hands on the pad and the door opened.

"Leave Godess Of The Night " " Leave Sin Master " Nick and Justin commanded, A bunch of hot girls are waiting outside the door for them.

"so? What happened, are yall suspended?  again?" "did he give yall a warning? " "did he call your dad?" they all kept asking, "Girls! Girls! Calm down we would never leave you alone." Justin answered with a cute smile.

All the girls screamed but one,"oh...hey beautiful can you come here I wanna see you magnificent face closer so I can admire it" Nick asked cutely.

The girl walked up to them and her uniform was torn,"Did you just get out of an A.B?" Justin asked. She noded "I was fighting Mat Dallas...." she whispered, "Wow are you okay?!" Nick asked worried. She noded again,"Whats your name?" Justin asked, she turned her back to them and walked away from them.

"I hope shes okay...Did she beat Mat?...Who is she..." Nick kept asking himself.

"Dam! I bet she would be hot, if she moved her hair out of her face! But her body did look sweet, and tempting...." Justin told himself.

"Hey Justin, whos at the top?" Nick asked, "Shit I don't know! " he told Nick.

Nick hit Justin's arm, "Owww!" "Stupid we toled mom we wouldn't say that stuff today!!" Nick yelled at Justin.

"sorry jeez....." Justin whispered, "We gotta find out if she beat Mat!" "And get her number to! She seemed hot" "Idiot! We haven't seen her face! Plus I bet she would pick me over you.." "Shut up! We all know I get the chicks over muscular manliness! You get them over pity. " Justin and Nick argued.

Nick kicked Justin's stomach, Justin drooped to his knees clinching his stomach. " Nick! What the hell was that for?!" Justin asked whimpering in pain, " We all know how I get girls, My smarts and my charms. " Nick answered laughing.

"Student's! Its Time For 2nd period! " The intercom squeaked as it told us, Nick and Justin plugged there ears  and walked to there 2nd period.

Nick sat in the first row, seat three. Justin sat in the fourth row, seat five.

Nick sat drawing the girl he saw,Justin sat drawing Nick geting ran over by a monster truck.

"Mr . Willson! Can you tell me why the ocean is blue?" the teacher asked. Nick and Justin got confused, then noticed that he was looking at Nick.

"The ocean is blue because the sun reflects the blue of the sky to the ocean which truns the ocean blue. If the sky wouldn't be there the water would be clear. Am I right?" Nick asked smiling.

" show off.... Jeez even our baby sister knows that! " Justin whispered to himself, all the girls drooled over Nick.

Nick saw the girls and smiled at Justin " Told you " Nick whispered, "sorry im late..." a sweet soft voice told the teacher, "Oh! Mrs . Myers! Its all okay you in row 2 seat 3 okay?" the teacher asked, she noded and went to sit down.

The teacher kept babbling on about the ocean,"Nick Willson?" She asked "Umm...Yes.....Hey I got a ques-" "I challenge you to a A.B!" she shouted as she pushed her self up out of the seat.

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