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Jjp.jinyoung - you need me to help you ask out youngjae cause you've just realised you've liked him a lot?

Jjp.jb - how the fuck.

Jjp.jinyoung - magic, but sure I'm a nice friend and I want y'all to be happy. Hurt him I'll end you because he a fluffy baby who needs to be protected at all costs.

Jjp.jb - first of all beer say y'all again.
Second of all I'll never hurt him, he's too nice and soft to be hurt.

Jjp.jinyoung - fuck you. And good glad we've gotten that sorted.

Jjp.jb - so what I gotta do?

Jjp.jinyoung - ask him yourself, you're a big boy aren't you? Just be like
"Yo, I like you a lot date me" or something.

Jjp.jb - so if I do this with youngjae you'll do it with mark and Jackson?

Jjp.jinyoung - how the fuck?

Jjp.jb - Magic.


Ooh, will they both do it.

Probably not I'm a bitch
Or maybe I'm nice and yeh

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