Chapter One

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**DO NOT SKIP** Before you continue in this book, please know that I do not own Attack On Titan (SnK). This is a fan-fiction based on the Japanese anime, Attack on Titan. All credit goes to the original owner. Now, if you have watched the show, you should be able to tell which characters are mine, and which are not. Same thing goes with the scenes and scenarios, if you've watched the show, you should be able to tell if I added or changed something. This book may contain a few spoilers for the ones that have not watched the television series. Thank you for reading, and enjoy!


Year 845

"You will go out there and say goodbye to your mother, Moa!" my father tried not to yell at me. "No." I say calmly, also trying not to yell. What can I say? I'm my father's daughter. "She's not my mother. She's a witch who tries to take the place of mom. I don't get why you got with her in the first place." I mumble the last part.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Moa Leiman, daughter of Abram Leiman and Tilde Leiman. Technically, or according to the law, I am also the daughter to Rosa (Blun) Leiman. She is my step-mother, although, I like to think if her as a filthy witch.

My father sighs, and runs his hand through his blonde-grey hair, and then brushes it out-another quality I learned from him. "Please. Just, please do it. Your step-mother and I won't be around for long. You have to stop pushing her away." he starts to lecture me. With a sigh, I interrupt him. "Fine. I'll do it." I say with a snap, and stand up. "She's waiting. Just come out when you're ready." he leaves the basement.

Yeah, I live in a basement. Hey, at least it's not like the beggars who sleep on the street, and eat hardly anything. They probably wish they would get eaten by the titans. Oh yeah~! I almost forgot to explain what these "Titans" are. Titans are basically huge naked monstrosities that haven't passed the walls for centuries. I happen to like it down here; it's quiet, my "parents" stay upstairs, and they try not to bother me.

Huffing, I stand up from my stool, and slowly climb upstairs. When I reach the top, I'm blinded by some light, but my eyes adjust fairly quickly. I see my father holding the witch-I mean- step-mother's hips, and landing his lips upon hers. The sight disgusts me. She looks at me, and smiles. "Great, Moa, you came up. Are you feeling well?" she asks, and I shrug. I don't really like to use my words with her. "Well, I have to get going. I'm riding a carriage with Lisa, she won't be waiting long." she announces, and walks over to me.

Gripping my shoulders-just a little too hard- she whispers, "Take care of your father, you know how he can get himself into...predicaments..." she turns and walks out the door. "Take care darling! I love you!" My father shouts as she walks away. I walk back inside, and grab my brown bag that my mother made me when I was five. "And where do you think you're going?" my father asks me, stopping me at the door. "To the market, I need more ink. Plus, didn't you want me to deliver this letter to Dr. Jaeger?" I hold up the letter in my hand. 

My father looks at the letter, and back at me. Sighing, he replies, "Yes, I did ask you to do that for me. Just, be careful out there. You get into trouble easily." his hands come up to my shoulders, and he looks into my ice blue eyes. "I love you, and I tell you this because I love you, you know that right?" "Yes, Dad. That's also why you've been training me secretly." I repeat the usual moral of the lecture I always receive, before I head out to the market.

"Good girl." he smiles gently; wrinkles form above his brow, and bags appear under his eyes. Mom always told me this happens with age-I learned that when I asked why dad was getting grey hair. My father stands up straight, wrapping his arms around me. At first, I'm surprised, then I give a slight hug back. Nobody really hugs me anymore. I don't have any friends.

He finally lets go, and I walk out the door with no further discussion. "I love you." he says, and I stop in my tracks. "I love you too," I speak, turning to face him, "Dad." and start heading towards the market. Maybe if I hurry, I can see the Scouts return- that is, if  they return.

As I walk, I hold my bag close to my body. Thieves come around often, and there's no such thing as being too careful. I sneak down alley ways to get to the marketplace faster, and I get stopped by some members of the Military Police. I stand straight in respect, although, there's not much of it. 

"Ah, there's the pretty girl now..." a tan male stands, towering over me. I don't meet his gaze. His breath reeks of alcohol, and a cold smirk lays on his face. My face slightly scrunches with disgust. "We were just talking about you, Moa. Care for a drink?" the guard grabs my wrist. I jerk it back, and the guard stares me down. "Oh?" his eyebrow twitches. "Hey~!" another guard yells. "Looks like you got a feisty one, Leon!" Those drunkards. I try to pass by, but Leon grabs my upper arm, tightly. "Oi! You're not going anywhere!" he shouts. "Let go of me, you drunk bastard!" I scream. I see a blonde figure walk and push Leon away-Hannes. Hannes is a good friend with my father, they grew up together.

 As soon as Leon's grip loosens, I pull away, and start walking briskly. "Moa!" I hear Hannes call after me. I keep walking, "Moa!" he shouts even louder, running after me. "What?!" I spit at him. "Oh~! I-I'm sorry, about that." he looks down at me. "Hmph." I pause for a moment. "I wish Leon wouldn't do that." Hannes says, and I roll my eyes. "Maybe, just maybe, if you guys stopped drinking you could actually help some of us! Maybe you could keep some people off the streets! The Scouts risk everything to help humanity, meanwhile, you can't even stand on your own two feet!" I shout at Hannes. "Lower your voice. Don't want me tell your father, now do you?" he warns me, and I bite my tongue. "Fine." I harshly whisper. "I can't wait to get out of this place." I mumble, and start off again.

"Wait!" he yells at me, but I don't listen. "Please tell me she doesn't want to join the Scouts?! I have to warn her father; he will never accept this." he whispers to himself. 

I continue walking to the market, and I'm welcomed by the warming smile of Ms.Razzi. "Good afternoon Moa, how are you?" Ms.Razzi's silver hair practically glows in the sunlight. "I'm doing fine, and you?" I smile back. "I am doing great, sweetheart. I suppose you are here for more ink?" she motions to a small wooden box behind her, and I nod. "Yes, ma'am. How much was it again?" she shakes her head. "No charge. I cannot allow you to pay after all the help you have given me." Ms.Razzi hands me the small box filled with different assortments of ink. "Are you sure?" I ask, holding out my hands and she gives it to me. "Of course, darling. I'm glad that the last of today's ink will be going to someone who is as talented as you." I blush slightly at her compliment. 

"Thank you." I say, putting the box carefully under one arm. "Do you need help with anything today?" I ask, making sure that Ms.Razzi wouldn't have to do anything too hard for her fragile body. "No. Business today was good. Almost everything is gone, all I will hope to have is a cloth and my bag. Thank you, though. You're a good child." she says, and hugs me. "Alright. Have a nice day." I smile, and start to walk away. "Now I just have to find Dr.Jaeger." I think to myself, scanning the people around me for any sight of him. 

 My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell. The Scouts are back! I hurry to the front street, pushing past through the tall merchants in my way. My eyes catch the large horses and carriages coming my direction. Fixing my posture, I look around at the different soldiers. A man sighs heavily behind me, "They put the ones that came back the least-wounded in the front, again." "Yeah," another male with a raspy voice speaks, "look behind Erwin Smith." he spoke. In order to see, I stand of the tip of my toes. I gasp at what I see,

An on-going line of soldiers walk towards us;most of them seriously wounded. I can already see that the number of the survivors is less than half of the number that left. "I can't believe we spend our money for these bastards." someone behind me states. My body tenses up and I lower back to my feet, standing straight as ever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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