The begenning

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I'm going to tell you a story with beauty and pain.

A story that makes you happy and a story that makes you sad.

And in the end.....

Chapter 1

Wisdoms p.o.v

Hey jake

Jake is my best friend.

We been friends sense we where little.

I mean it we where 4 years old.

Our parents are the reason....they new each other longer than we did.

Have you ever had that feeling when you watch some one grow up.

You start likening them more and more.

Cause I know I have.

I've stared to notice when we started middle school.

But as we grew up and I liked him more and more.....I just couldn't help it.

But where way different he like to play with Legos....I liked to read books.

He play video games.....I liked to read books.

He loved to watch wrestling.....I like to watch documentery on books :).

Now he's the captain on the basketball team and I'm still the geek

Who likes to read books.

Jake p.o.v

Hi wisdom

Me and wisdom been this close 👫.

I don't know what I would do with out her she helps me with my home work.

But that's not why I only like her.

When I was little I was bit of a nerd but she helped me with that.

Walking home from school wisdom and jake talk about school.

Wisdom:So how was your day at school?

(We never really hang out at school he hangs with his click I hang with mine

I have my two best friends Lucy and Alex.

He has all he's friends I don't know there names but yea.)

Jake: It was good wau?

Wisdom:We'll today I got an A+ On my math test.

Jake:Oh I got a c+ on that test can you help me study tommarow for the science test that's coming up.

Wisdom:yea sure

(Omg he looks so cute when he asked me that.)

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