The next day

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The next day wisdom and jake wake up

Wisdom p.o.v

Today I had to look nice so I decided to ware my spike boots.

And my I heart books shirt and my black skinny jeans.

Then after that I decided do my hair in a special way so he likes it.

I had too brush then eat then brush again so I don't smell like a freak. I wonder if he is thinking about me? I will always be thinking about him.His cute blonde hair makes me want to melt, and his blue eyes I want to stare into them forever.

Jakes p.o.v

I woke and look at my phone for the picture of her and me. Oh damn my pants are tight. She is so hot and cute. I wonder if I should ask her out on a real date? I hope she says yes. If I could stare into her big beautiful brown eyes forever I would, oh shit I'm being creepy again and I'm late!

He hurry ups and puts on his hoodie and some sweat pants and he grab a apple on his way out and then he put on his Jordan's and left out the door to wisdom's house.

I went to her house and she was there waiting for me.

Jake:sorry I'm late.

Wisdom:it's ok your only 2 minutes late.

Jake:oh I though I was really late.


Jake p.o.v

She looked so cute in her I <3 books shirt and her tight ass skinny jeans that made her butt look so big.

O shit I'm getting a boner good thing I wore sweat pants.

Her hair was in a French braid to the side.

She just looked so pretty.

I gave her a hug she smelled so good.

Wisdom p.o.v

When I open the door he looked so sexy.

He had on a sweater and some sweat pants.

Omg I think he got a bonner.

Maybe because of me....psh nah.

He had j's on and he had his hair up like how Justin bieber's is.

I could see his Abbs through his shirt.

Omg then he gave me a hug he smelled like axe.

Jake:you ready?


They start walking.

Wisdom:oh I have to pick up Alex and Lucy.


Wisdom p.o.v

Alex and Lucy are my best friends well we only Been friends for 5yrs.

But me and jake have been friends for 13yrs.

Where seniors now and where 17.

Jake doesn't really know them like I do.

He hangs with the popular kids and I hang with the not so popular.

I mean Alex and Lucy aren't bad but....

Lucy~hey girl.

Wisdom~hi where's Alex?

Lucy~he'll be out in just a minute.

Wisdom p.o.v

A few minutes later Alex walks out with his glasses on,a beanie,his nike shirt,

His jeans and converse.

I forgot to remind you Alex isn't so much the nerd type well how he dresses I mean.

He has tattoos on both sides of his arm.

To be honest he actually looks really cute.

But not as cute as jake ugh it's so hard to pick which one looks cute to be honest.

It's weird that Lucy is a lesbian,but I think it's cute plus she's really pretty.

Plus I love gay people.

Alex p.o.v

Me and wisdom have been friends for quite a wile.

I don't like her anymore of a friend but there a secret that you can't say anything ok.

My sister Lucy has a crush on her.

Yeah my sisters a lesbian and unfortunately wisdoms not one.

So yea Lucy has told anyone but me and to be honest we don't have any other friends.

To be honest wisdom is really pretty the way she puts her hair in that French braid.

But I have my eyes on someone else.

Jake......yeah I'm gay but no one knows not even Lucy.

I'm too afraid to tell anyone.

Yeah I know my sister is lesbian but it's easier for her to tell people then it is for me.

Maybe girls will bully her,but for what I know no one bully's her.

But for some reason guys like lesbians,they think it's sexy.

To bad jakes not gay,the way he looks in his sweatpants and his nike sweater.

But I can tell he likes wisdom,he diffidently has a boner for her.

Like I mean I can see it through his sweats.

Man I wish he had one for me,Cause I would so hit that.

Lucy p.o.v

Omg did you see how wisdom looked like today in her cute skinny jeans.

She's sooooo gorgeous.

But she straight as a line.

But I can tell she has a crush on jake,We'll because she told me.

I wonder if he likes her?

I guess yes because he has a bonner right now and we all see it.

Jake p.o.v

Alex keeps looking at me weird,what's his problem.

~he looks down~


O shit I'm pretty sure everyone can see it.

Ok let me just not look at wisdom maybe it will go away.

Few it's slowly going down.

Wisdom p.o.v

Why did jake just turn around so fast?

Oh few he turn around.


Few he's bonner went away.

Alex~oh man he's bonner went away 😠.

Wisdom:so you guys ready.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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