Chapter 4: The village

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I managed to find Rocma's house, and after looking at me suspiciously, she welcomed me in her house.

We talked. She told me about the place and the people in here, and i told her what happened to me, and who i met on this isle.

-Mmfh that damn orca, serve him right
-I feel a bit sorry for Shirogane though, how often does he get beaten up by him?
-It's not that often usually, but recently it was pretty bad. He should learn to defend himself, he's so weak

After talking a bit more, she offered me a dinner, and invited me to sleep in her house. I glady accepted

It's morning. I was woken up by Rocma scolding the snowy owl called Yukisada

-You're pissing me off! You're always defending him, and the only thing he can do is complain and cry!
-t-that's a bit...
-now get out of here before i rip you to shreds!

He left  m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶c̶k̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶r̶u̶n̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶U̶s̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶B̶o̶l̶t̶  and Rocma turned around.

-Sorry about that (y/n).
-That's alright

It was a bit mean, but i understood that she was right. She looked at me:

-So, what are you planning to do now?
-I thought that maybe i could go to the witch's world and become a familiar. I'm just a dolphin, but i'll do my best if i'm accepted. I can't go by just swimming, but my friend Chlomaki told me she would come back here for me.
-I see
-Rocma? ...Is there any place i can stay in here while i wait? I don't want to bother you too much so-

She interrupted me
-Hey don't be silly, you can stay in my house.
-really? I don't want to b-
-of course you can. I wouldn't let you stay normally, but your home was destroyed, right?
-R-right. Thank you, you're really nice!

She looked away when i told her that she was nice. What a tsundere. Though she REALLY was nice.

-i have a lot of things to to today so i'll let you explore the isle. Be careful, alright (y/n)?
-alright! Thanks again Rocma!

I walked around the isle and met Shirogane again, with Yukisada. We talked a little and then i continued to walk. Then i met the meanest and cutest snowman ever, and damn, that was one annoying snowman.

I found myself near that orca sign again. I looked and saw behind a huge pile of snow, the corner of yesterday's cage.

Is he still in the cage?
For a moment, i thought about just leaving the place and leave him to die if he was still there. But i was wondering. There's no way Chlomaki would just put someone in and cage and whatever him, right?
No wait she would totally be capable of that!

I silently went near the cage. I sure hope that if he's not there, he's not around either because i'm far away from the village and i couldn't scream for help in case of urgency.

He was there
Inside the cage, i saw him. He was lying down on his back, eyes closed.

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