Chapter 5

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Sitting backstage with Riya was crazy. I wanted to much just to sit in the chair next to Zayn and hold his hand throughout the entire interview.

Before they started actually talking, We watched them perform WMYB. My god they were amazing. The fact that we were backstage singing to their music was totally surreal.

When they were talking Zayn was polite and friendly the whole time. They mostly talked about the tour and the craziness of being on the road with 5 guys. I laughed at almost everything they said. The boys were hysterical together. They were their own perfect matches.

So then the interviewer started to talk about the pictures we saw earlier. I held my breath while they spoke.

“Well, I actually met her through a friends friend. She’s absolutely wonderful. Can’t wait to get to know her more." Harry smiled widely. Riya smiled so big in her seat that it looked like her face was going to break in half.

“What about you Zayn?" The interviewer asked.

“She's absolutely amazing. Shes like no one else I've ever met."

“But! We would never want our girls to give up on us because of that. We'll always have a special place in our hearts for them." Liam said whole

heartedly. Always the sweetest one.

“No one compares to our fans." Louis agreed.

Butterflies jittered through my stomach the entire time they talked about us.

And when they finished their interview, I gave Zayn a big hug. And we walked hand in hand back to his flat.


You look wonderful." I told her for about the millionth time.

“So do you! You work that tux." She said, winking.

I laughed at that and walked up behind her. She didn’t wear much makeup. Nor did she need to. Makeup companies everywhere die for her skin and complexion.

“I know right." I said, cocking my eyebrow up at her. “So remember the cameras this morning at the mall?" I asked her.

“Sure." She shrugged.

“Imagine that. And then multiply that by ten." I warned her slowly.

“They'll be at dinner tonight." She mumbled.

“Yeah. Im sorry.." I said slowly. Seeing how the fact made her eyebrows crinkle.

“Its ok."' she smiled encouragingly. Then her phone went off

“Zayn, how did they find my twitter? My phone’s blowing up!" She chuckled.

“I mentioned you in a tweet earlier. Fans will love you. Just ignore the ones who...don’t." I told her, putting my hand on her shoulder.

I knew this would happen earlier. I probably shouldn't have put her name out in my tweet yet. I knew what was about to come to her. “My fans get... Extremely jealous. Dangerously jealous." I told her.

“I understand." She said with a reassuring smile. She must have thought of this part too.

“But they'll just have to get over it.." I said getting close to her. All I wanted to do was to wrap my arms around her and never let her go. I wanted to make sure I could hold on to her forever.

Cameras flashed while we walked inside the restaurant and we all just smiled and waved and tried not to say anything.

Once we sat down, I noticed that Harry was inexplicably happy. I shot him a quick smile. And he gave me one back.

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