Chapter 3 The Dragon Race Incident

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Everyone was flying against other teams. "How are you holding up Sophie?" Hawk asked as he flew next to Sophie. "I'm doing fine. Stop worrying about me. You're not the only one who's great riding dragons. You should be worrying on protecting your princess." Sophie said teasing her friend. "Ugh, I wonder why we are friends sometimes." he sighed. "I think everyone, including our families wonder that too. We act more like siblings." Sophie said rolling her eyes. "True." he said. "Come on guys we need to get a good grade in this class." Astoria said as she flew a little past us. "Does that girl only care about is grades?" Sophie asked as she crossed her arms. "She cares about us too. But a little too much on grades. She wants to be headmistress of this school one day." Travis said as he caught up to us.

"That..actually makes a lot of sense." "So Sophie, how come you and Hawk annoy each other? Aren't you two friends?" LingLing asked. "Oh we are, we are more than just friends we are like sibling. Well a lot." Sophie chuckled. As the team flew ahead, Vicky and Cyrus weren't far behind. "How dare she treat me like that! I'll show her not to mess with me." "Uh Vicky. Have you forgotten that she's the SnowQueen's granddaughter and Kira's niece?" "Ugh, I know that Cyrus." Vicky rolls her eyes. "Isn't she more powerful than you?" Cyrus asked tiredly. "Cyrus. She we don't know if she's powerful or not." "What about your shoulder frozen in ice." "Hmm. Maybe there is more to Sophie than meets the eye. I need to make a plan." "Maybe turn her evil? Isn't the SnowQueen family cold hearted?" Cyrus looked at his cousin. "Hmm. That would work. But not now, it's too early. I got it! I'll hit her with my magic, and when she falls she will hit the ground, we will get rid of her." Vicky said as she pulled out her wand and pointed towards Hawk. "Say Night night Sophie SnowQueen!" Her wand and shot a spell coming towards Sophie.

Hawk's POV

Sometimes Sophie is something else. I have to keep a closer eye on Sophie, even Rose. Rose, is really sweet and kind while Sophie is adorable and am- Wait. What? It's not like I have a crush on either Sophie and Rose. I felt my face turn red. "Someone is thinking about a princess~" I heard Sophie caroled. "Oh shut up." I said. "Say Nighty Night Sophie SnowQueen!" I heard a voice and turned around. It was Vicky and she shot her spell already. Not only that but its coming towards Sophie! No! I have to keep Snowflake safe! Wait, what the heck?! I flew over to her and pushed her away. I felt it hit me then everything went black.

Sophie POV

I saw Hawk fall off his dragon. "HAWK!!" I yelled. I turned to see Vicky having her wand out smirking as she sped passed us. "Later Losers!" Ugh, she's going to get it. "HAWK!" Rosed screamed. "LingLing and Astoria. You need to beat Vicky and warn Coach beast. The rest of us-" Soon magic hit all of our dragons making them fall asleep everyone started to fall. "AHHHH!" We screamed. "I got of my dragon and forced myself to go down to Hawk. I caught him but we were still falling. I heard a loud noise coming towards us. I couldn't see what it was since I was facing the ground. I didn't hear my friends screaming anymore. I hugged Hawk close to me as I closed my eyes. 'This is going to hurt'. But I felt nothing, causing me to open my eyes. family dragon! I was on the saddle chair whatever you call it. "Blizzard? What are you doing here? Arent you suppose to be at home?" He didn't make any noise. Ugh I wish he could talk to me. So I can understand him better. He flew down to our unconscious dragons. "It's a good thing that the Snow Queen family dragon is here to catch us in time." Joy said as the team excluding me and Hawk jumped off. "Why is your family dragon here?" Astoria asked. "I really don't know. I told him to keep an eye on granny and auntie. But he's too stubborn to reason." I sighing wasn't happy at all. "Maybe he was worried about you. Since it's your first day and all." Rose said.

Blizzard made a small noise probably agreeing with Rose. "Awe Blizzard, you are too sweet." I said as I patted his head. Causing him to lean to the touch. "You must have a strong bond with Blizzard." LingLing said. "Yeah, he watched over me ever since I was one. He loves the family." I giggled. I thought for a moment, 'He must've saw the whole event!'. "How do we wake up our dragons?" I asked as I looked at our dragons. "OOh! I have something to wake them up!" Rose said as she pulled out a bag and threw dust at each dragon one at the time. They eventually wake up and got up. "What happened?" Hawk's dragon asked. Blizzard made a noise causing the others to jump. "Why is he here?" Rose's dragon said.

"You were hit by Vicky's cousin's magic I believe. And Blizzard caught us." I said holding Hawk correctly making sure he's comfortable. "We must head back. Everyone must be worried." Joy said. "Especially your grandparents." I said chuckling a bit. They all got on their dragons besides Sophie. "Blizzard will fly me and Hawk back. Plus Im really worried about getting off then accidently dropping him. Heh." Everyone left and flew back. About some time later they made it back to the dragon arena. The dragons landed, Astoria, Rose, Joy, Travis and LingLing got off their dragons.

I stayed on my family dragon as I saw all the teachers. 'How long were we gone for?' I thought as I think of a way to get down. "Where have you seven been?" Cinderella asked. "Our dragons were hit by the spell and all of us fell. The SnowQueen family dragon saved us." LingLing answered. Blizzard laid so that I can get off, which I did while holding Hawk in my arms. He's a little heavy but I can manage. "Sadly Hawk got hit by the spell while protecting me." I said looking at Hawk. "Oh dear, this is terrible." SnowWhite said worriedly. "The only way to reverse it is with a kiss." Astoria said. I laid Hawk on the ground and turned to Rose. "Rose, kiss his cheek." I said which caused shock to everyone. "W-What?!" Rose said. "Rose, please don't argue. We need to wake him up." I said. Rose nodded and kissed Hawk on the cheek.

A minute has passed. "He didn't wake up." Rose said. I sighed and kissed his cheek. Seconds later he still didn't wake up.

Astoria's POV (I know finally)

Wait. Both kissed him and he didn't wake up. They did it one at a time.. OH! I figured it out! "Both of you kiss him on his cheeks." I said. "How can you be sure that it'll work?" they both said at the same time. "Trust me!" "Okay! We'll do it!" Rose and Sophie kissed Hawk on the cheek. Lets pray that it'll work. This has to work. Please work.The two girls pulled away and waited for Hawk to wake up.

Suddenly, Hawk woke up and stand up. "How long was I out?" "About thirty minutes." I answered. "This is Vicky's fault. She did this!" Sophie said as she gripped her own arms tightly. "Vicky is a great student. She would never do that." SnowWhite said as me and others except Sophie face palmed. "Are you seriously that-UGH! ICE MAGIC!" Sophie said as she grabbed her wand and shot her magic at one of the walls covering it with Ice.

Travis' POV

She's got quite the temper. "Please tell me that they are joking." Sophie said as she looked at us. "Sadly they are not." Rose said with a shrug. This isn't the first time it's happened, Vicky is well Vicky. "She's a kiss up then?" "Pretty much." I said. I saw Sophie hugged Hawk tightly. 'What do we have here?'

Hawk's POV

"Sophie?" I said in confusion, I heard her mumble something which I couldn't hear well. "What was that Soph?" I asked. "Don't you dare ever scare me like that ever again Hawk. I..I thought.." Sophie said clearly trying not to cry. I hugged back chuckling a bit. 'She is quite emotional sometimes. But she is cute when she's like this.' Wait....what am I thinking? Sophie is my best friend. I felt my face becoming a little hot. "Im still here, alive and fine." I said. I leaned down to her and whispered "I would never ever leave you Snowflake~" I said then pulled away.

3rd POV

After that everyone left except for Rose's team. "Since school has ended. We should head to SnowWhite's Office." Astoria said as we changed back to our school uniforms. They decided to take their dragons there since flying is the fastest way to get there. "Last ones there is a rotten apple!" Hawk said as he flew past everyone quickly. They all laughed and chased after him. Sophie flew fast too. But couldn't help thinking of what Hawk said to her.

Sophie's POV

Remembering what Hawk said to me, made me feel funny. I became a blushing mess and my heart begins to pound faster and faster. I placed my hand over my heart. 'Do...I love him?' I thought to myself. Is he a friend to me or more than one. Ugh, I never felt this way for someone before. He's nice, caring, handsome and really funny too. Maybe....I do have feelings for him. I finally caught up to hawk and stuck my tongue at him playfully. He laughs then smiles making me feel warm in the inside.

Well, I guess I have to wait and see.

Hey Guys I hope you enjoyed chapter three. Chapter 4 is in the making at the moment and dont know when it will be done. Also I made this chapter long for you guys!

What will Vicky do next? Does Hawk have a crush on both Rose and Sophie? Will Sophie finally realize that she has a crush? What will happen to Blizzard? You decided!

Vote and comment! And share me the ideas you have for this book. Bye~

May your dreams become reality.

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