Chapter 1: Proposition

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Charlie's POV (Point Of view)

I was just fixing one of my cars, when I heard the bell at the front door of the shop ring. I climbed up from under the car and walked up to the front desk, bringing a part of the car with to finish cleaning it and saw a middle-aged man standing there looking around. 

"What can I do for you?" I asked while cleaning the part of the car that I was currently working on. 

"I'm looking for Matthew." He said back.

 "I'll get him for you." I said back politely.

 "MATTHEW GET YOUR BUTT HERE NOW." I shouted out to him.

"Ok" He shouted back. 

"What do you want now?" He asked walking into the room.

"He wanted you." I said then headed back to fixing my car. 

After awhile the man and Matt came into my workplace with Matt quickly pulling up a piece of metal to defend him from the flying spanner. He knows not to come into my workplace when I'm working, I finally turn around to acknowledge that I'm listening now. 

"Charlie I want you to meet Roberto, but you can just call him Rob, Rob this is Charlie" Matt said introducing us. 

"Sup" I replied.

"Charlie I have a question and Proposition for you what would you like to hear first?" Rob said.

"First the question and then the proposition?" I asked said back.

"Ok first why did you throw a spanner at Matt and second I want your help to fix up my garage" He replied. 

"I threw a spanner at Matt because he always walks in and disturbs me so he's learnt to either stay the Fudge away or find a shield and duck and hope for the best, and Why?" I asked 

"I asked because none of the boys know squat." He said laughing half heartedly. 

"Okay but for how long?" I asked 

"Until it's up and running or you can just leave whenever you want." He said 

"Fine you got yourself a deal." I said while shaking his hand.

The next day

I woke up and looked over at my door and saw that my bags were packed. Matt must have done that, then I saw a plane ticket on my nightstand. 'Flight to Australia 3:00pm' then I looked at my alarm clock and it read 1:49pm. 'oh snap, I'm going to be late' I mumbled to myself and then i quickly rushed around then went downstairs said goodbye to Matt then I got in s taxi and booked it to the airport and once I got there I quickly checked the time and it read 2:40pm I quickly rushed over to terminal three seating area and started listening to music on low so I could hear the announcement.

'Anyone boarding the 3:00 pm flight to Australia please come to terminal three' the loud speaker said.

So, I made my way over to the place where you get your ticket scanned and boarded the plane, once i got to my seat i sat down and plugged in my earphones and put on my favourite bands ACDC and Queen.


Hope you enjoy!!

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