Chapter 2: Ticking Time Bomb

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Inner 'thoughts/Mumbling'

After awhile we took off and 1hr later I landed in California. After getting off I grabbed my stuff and then headed out the front. 'Rob said that he would be waiting in a red jeep for me' well he's not here, I was about to turn around and head back inside when all of a sudden a car horn goes off, i turn around and there was Rob in his red jeep.

"Hop in Charlie" he said.

walked over to the car and dumped my bag into the backseat and then hopped into the front seat. On the way back to his garage rob was telling me about how the boys didn't know i was a girl and that it would be a shock for them because they were expecting a guy because of the name Charlie. Once we arrived at the Garage I saw a couple of Motorbikes parked out front of the garage.

"They belong o the boys" I asked Rob, slightly turning my head to see him nod as he replied "Yup"

Once we parked I got out grabbed my bag out of the car while Rob made his way into the garage, once I made it to the door into that lead into the room that Rob walked into I stopped just curious as to what they were going to ask.

"Is he here yet" voice one asked

"Yeah" Rob replied

"Where is he then" Voice  two asked

"Standing in the doorway listening to this conversation" Rob said with a smirk on his face.

I made my way through the doorway and looked at their shocked faces. Ignoring them I started talking to Rob.

"Where am I staying" I asked Rob completely overlooking their dumbfounded looks on their faces.

"Upstairs there is a little apartment it's all yours" He replied with the smirk still on his face and handed me the keys and pointed me in the direction of the stairs.

I walked where he told me and went up the stairs and up to the apartment, had a quick shower and got changed into more suitable clothing then went downstairs going to find Rob.

"ROB" I shouted 

"WHAT"  Rob shouted back while walking into the room I was in.

"Are there any cars or something that needs fixing" I asked

"Yeah, could you fix up my son's motorbike" he replied

"Sure, where is it"

"Out front, It's the Navy Blue one" he replied 

While walking out Rob walking next to me I started asking Questions about the bike

"What wrong with the bike? I asked

"Well it keeps making beeping noises and there's a red flashing light coming from roughly the same area" Rob said 

"How long has that been going on for" I asked curiously, getting a little concerned.

 "About 20 mins the beeping ans the flashing since this morning" he replied while frowning

'10 Minutes' I mumbled under my breath picking up my pace while quickly grabbing a tool box before getting outside.

"What" Rob asked with concern clear in his tone, speeding up his pace to keep up with me.

"I said 10 minutes, it's a bomb, It was obviously placed there late last night" I answered quickly picking up the pace to a light jog.

Fastening the pace we were running at this point I asked rob about a grass feild.

"Is there like a really big grass field or open area anywhere really close" i asked 

" Yeah next door why" Rob asked uncertain

"Because we'll need the space, 7 minutes left" I said.

I quickly rushed over to the bike as we've gotten to the bike a car pulled up and a guy roughly 6'4 stepped out, when he saw where we were he rushed over towards us. I quickly crouched down and then started working on the bomb and about 2 minutes in I heard the beeping get louder 'that leaves 5 minutes' I mumbled to myself. when i finally got it off with 30 seconds to spare the red dot started blinking a lot faster, I quickly stood up started sprinting towards the field and threw it as hard as I could. I turned around then started running back toward Rob and there was a loud bang behind me, it gave me a jump scare cause next thing I know I've tripped on air and heading face first into the cement so i shut my eyes waiting for the impact but it never comes, probably cause of the arms that are currently around my waist. 

"You okay Charlz" I heard rob asked

I open my eyes and it's rob holding me up

"Yeah I'm fine" I told him "Are there any other bikes withe same situation" I asked looking at the two

"Yeah the other two bikes over there" Rob tells me pointing at the bike that are really close to the shop.

I look over and I see the two from earlier running out looking like someone died. I mean we could've but we didn't. I quickly run over to the Navy bike grab my stuff and now that i know exactly what I'm doing this should be a piece of cake. I run over o the other two bikes all four guys behind me now.

"Which of you can throw really far" i ask while getting the first bomb out.

"Uh-h I guess i can throw far why" One of them finishes saying as I turn around with a bomb in my hands

"Cause, this, throw this at the field" i said casually handing him the ticking time bomb

I move onto the next bike really quickly do the same thing take it out and hand it to the same guy, I must've been focusing really hard cause I didn't hear the second bomb go off. This time I'm watching as the bomb's being thrown and I gotta hand it to him he's gotta pretty good throw.

After all that is done with I pack up all the tools and go put them away. After that's done I g back out to ask Rob if he's got anything else for me to do but on the way I'm stopped by the three guys I've yet to know the names of yet.

"Hey, Charlie was it" 6'4 guy asked 

"Yeah what about it" I asked skeptically

"Nothing, we just wanted to introduce our selves" he said

"Okay, go ahead" I replied crossing my arms and leaning on the bench behind me

"Okay, My name is Nicholas, but just Nick is fine" Nick said with a small smirk on his face.

I turn my head over to the guy standing next to Nick,

"My name is Zachary, Zach for short" he said with a big smile on his face,

I turned my head to the last one 

"And I'm Thomas, just Tom is perfectly fine though. he said with a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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