Trying to Help

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Lilly reaches Neal's window, when she looks up.


"Really?" Lilly asks annoyed, and she continues down to her window.


Neal quickens his pace, to catch up with Lilly.


Lilly reaches her window, she tries to quickly dive for the open window, and instead she catches her foot on the ladder tripping herself.


Lilly cringes as she hits the cold metal.


"That'll teach you to run." Neal teases.


Lilly glares up at Neal.


Neal offers his hand.


"Pass." Lilly pushes Neal's hand away.


"Lilly I'm a nice guy, I swear." Neal sighs.

"I'm sure you are." Lilly makes a face, while she gets to her feet.

"I've made a lot of mistakes, and I'm not perfect. But I've never hit a woman, and I've only been kind to you." Neal shrugs.

"You've mocked me how-?"

"I haven't mocked you once!" Neal argues. "I've only teased you, or argued that you're wrong."


Lilly sighs crossing her arms.


"Your knee is bleeding. Why don't we do inside, and I'll-"

"I don't need rescuing." Lilly snaps.

"Fair enough." Neal raises his hands defensively.


Lilly limps to her window.


"I know a broken child when I see one." Neal points out.

"I'm not-"


Neal looks up at Lilly.


Lilly climbs through her open window.

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