Chapter four

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School today is going to be horrible I can sense it. I put my black shirt and jeans on .

Technically everything I own is black because of the old saying my dad use to say. Black

Is for beginnings. I put my black vans on and wear my red hair in a bun I put my dads

Black watch on and go downstairs. I don't see mom so I assume she's at work.

As I go outside I get in my car and drive to Giovanni high school , I role down my

Window and inhale the fresh air. Once I arrive to school I park get out of my car and enter

The building. I walk to first period and see no-one there but I am early so I sit down and re

My book. Two minutes later Adam walks in the classroom "I see you like to be early to "

He says as he sits down at his desk."Yeah" I say blankly. "Nice watch ". "Thanks it was my

Fathers". "I'm sorry for your loss". "How'd you know he was dead." "You said it was not it is

Am I right"? "Yes" I say amazed suddenly I feel a surge of sadness " He died when I was ten

I don't know how he died but he did and hes dead. " I'm sorry " Adam says as he tried to

Hug me. "I can't ......I'm a germaphobic". " Well I'm clean". He says as he embraces me

I flinch ready for a vision but instead I sense nothing. I smile he's unreadable like my

Mother. I hug him harder and a strange sense of comfort and warmth surges through

Me . I feel safe in his arms I feel as if they were made just for me. The moment I realize

We're still hugging, I let go." I'm sorry I don't know what happen but it won't happen


again. "It's okay sometimes it's nice to have someone's shoulder to cry on.

Before I could respond the bell rings and the students come in the class. I go into

Survivor mode . I look at the desk not to catch anybody's eye. That's when Riley comes

By and sites on our desk." So Adam you going to come to my house today."? "Actually Riley

I can't my mom's sick and I promise her I would come straight home . All the while he's

Saying this my eyes are looking at the desk . "Awww that's so cute". I chuckle silently

"Is there something funny freak." "No I say with a bit of sarcasm in my voice "I thought

So , your such a weirdo you don't even look at people.when they talk to you. You........" I

Block the rest out when I realize I don't have my contacts on. "I think it's cute the way

She does that ". Adam says

" we'll discuss her later babe ". She says as she gets up "Babe "? I say with a smile

"I know I've been here one day and I already have a title ". We laugh quietly

" Class we have two new students today Amber and Ashton have transferred out

So you two thank them if you see them. They shake their heads and introduce themselves

As Maya and Kade "You to sitting in the two available seats in the back". They Come and

Sitt right behind us .. "hey". They sayin unison I don't reply but Adam does. Mrs.Smith

Starts talking Okay class You were going to be assigned a pop quiz today but since

We have two new students I'll reschedule . Rachel Adam share your notes with Maya and

Kade "okay".Adam says for the both of us .

I pull out my black gloves and give my notebook to Maya without making eye contact

Maya and Adam exchange looks I guess they must be a couple because I can sense they

Know each other. Kade on the other hand is just starring at me.Mrs.Smith walks out

I'll be back in , 30 minutes your 17 act like it.Riley ges up and walks towards Maya and Kade

I'm getting really angry at her and when I get angry my eyes turn black, I just need to calm

Down and breathe. "I was just wondering if you want to move." "Why would we do that"

They ask in unison "well your sitting behind a freak". The class roars in laughter

Riley walks up to me and I look at my desk. "Well being a freak is better than being you.

Adam says "well discuss her later .look at her.You can't even.look me in the eye at least you

Know your a freak.That's it I look her in the eye word "choke ". And she starts


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