Information and characters

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This is a fanfiction between my 2 favorite shows Law and Order SVU and The Foster's, with a little twist...enjoy

Characters and ages are as follows :
Marianna Isabella Jacob(13)
Callie Elizabeth Jacob(4)
Jude Alexander Jacob (3)
Brandon Adams Foster (16)
Jesus Adams Foster(10)

Lilly Jordan Benson-Rollins(16)
Miley Rachel Benson- Rollins (9)
Noah Porter Benson-Rollins(6)
Jesse Marie Benson- Rollins(6)
Olivia Benson-Rollins(29)
Amanda Benson-Rollins(31)
Stef Adams Foster (31)
Lena Adams Foster(33)

Other information : Lilly, Miley, Jesse and Noah are siblings through adoption . Noah and Jesse are twins.
Marianna, Callie and Jude are biological siblings
The Adams Fosters and the Benson-Rollins know each other cause their kids go to the same school.

Lilly and Brandon are best friends/dating

Marianna was 10 when she and her siblings went into foster care, Callie was 19 months old and Jude was 12 months old, after their mother died and their father left them to fend for themselves.


Lilly: Lils(by Miley and Marianna) Lilly-bug(by Olivia and Amanda) Sissy(by Noah ,Jesse, Callie and Jude) Bug (By Amanda and Olivia)

Miley: Miles(by Lilly, Marianna and Callie) M(by Marianna) Bugaboo(by Olivia and Amanda) Sister(by Noah and Jesse Callie and Jude)

Marianna: Mari(By Lilly, Miley, Callie, Noah, Jesse and Jude) Miss Thing(By Olivia) Princess(By Amanda)

Noah: Bud (By Lilly and Olivia) Nono-man (By Marianna) Buddy-man(By Miley) Noah-man(By Amanda) Bubba(By Olivia and Amanda) Bubby( By Callie and Jude)

Jesse: Jesse-girl (By Olivia and Amanda) Jess(By Olivia, Amanda, Miley, Lilly and Marianna) Munchkin (By Amanda) JJ(By Callie and Jude)

Callie: Cals(By Marianna, Miley and Lilly) Callie-girl(By Olivia) Slug-a-bug (by Amanda) Baby(By Marianna and Lilly) Squirt(By Miley) Cal(By Noah, Jesse, Jude and Marianna)

Jude: Judicorn(By Marianna and Lilly) Juju(By Noah, Jesse, Callie and Miley) Mister man(By Olivia and Amanda) Tiny(By Lilly)

Living Arrangements

Lilly and Marianna share a bedroom and bathroom

Miley has her own room and bathroom

Jesse and Callie share a room and bathroom

Noah and Jude share a room and bathroom

The girls and boys have a separate bathrooms.

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