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Jooeun's POV
It was Saturday tomorrow was my friends 16th birthday so we were going but she wasn't just a friend she was pretty much a sister her name was Airen she was Jackson's little sister but I was currently  at a little store by my apartment I had got a bag a chips and soda I walked out and I saw felix "hey Felix what are you doing here" I asked "oh hey just walking around" he said "you should come in" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him inside "welcome" I said moving to the couch "nice, so you going to Airen's birthday party" he asked sitting next to me I turned on A-teen "yeah why" I said eyes focussed on the screen "wanna go with me like in as my date" he said rushing it out " oh yeah sure" I said we continued to watch A-teen I walked to the kitchen I put some pop corn in the microwave I text Chan
Me:help Felix is with me at my house wearing a tank top SOS
Changaroo: oof you should confess and rip you
After he sent that the pop corn was ready I walked back to the couch "here" I held the bowl out to him "thanks" he said as he got some popcorn " let's play truth or dare" I suggested he nodded we faced each other "truth or dare" he asked "truth" I answered "do you like anybody" he asked his eyes looked hopeful 'wait what if he likes me back' "yes" I said we continued playing then we watched some movies I eventually laid my head on his shoulder and drifted to sleep

This was short than normal idk why

Jyp's daughter *small hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now