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Ok so I'm still having trouble With this book but I would really appreciate it if you guys checked out my new book Me because of you also one of the reasons I stopped this writing this is because I saw all the drama with fan writing smut with idol who are not 19 (what I'm about to say is my opinion please do not take it negatively) as a American teenager I grew hearing that most people lost there virginity really young so at first I didn't see the problem then I realized it's because we were writing these imagines and one shots while they where minors then I realized something after I saw on tumblr that sometimes it matters on where the idols is born also age of consent can be different then legal age so a friend decided to look it up as I was panicking and didn't know what do with my stories and the plans I had for them so I found out it was 13 but is now 16 now depending on the reaction of this will depend on wether I continue this story

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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