Growing up with the Hunter part 3

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(GrimmIchixIchigrimm: "Here part 3 ya folks and please enjoyed this story.")

The Hunter POV

My little Hunter pup was sleeping on my back and I cuddle him up to stay warm. I heard a survivor but only one, I couldn't leave my pup behind if I do have to leave my pup Ellis behind that survivor will take him from me or worse a zombie will kill my pup. Hunter started to growl and snarl to protect Ellis then crawl to the survivor also keep forgetting the Witch was inside.

Carla POV

I can hear that same Hunter and I was ready to killed him also I need to get that kid to safely. "I got the right gun to shoot him with. Huh? Oh no... I know that cries anywhere." Carla got her right gun ready but lucky she have good aim then other survivors, then Carla head a Witch cried.

Ellis POV

I woke up soon I notice there was someone is crying. "Hello? Is anyone out there?" I got up and I froze cause I saw the crying girl the "Witch." Man, she have claws but I didn't move or any sound to make her mad or she will screams very loudly. Ellis stay very still and didn't move a muscle.

The Witch POV

I continue to cried and walked in the halls but I saw a young survivor, he just standing there and didn't move. I can tell he is scare then his eyes follow me when I walk past him. The Witch continues to cried more also keep walking soon the Witch started to kneeling still crying.

The Screamer POV

I saw my friend the Hunter but he acting weird and refuse to killed the little survivor. But I don't know why he is protect him from us and sure the Smoker attack him also he is young still. (GrimmIchixIchigrimm: "The Screamer was supposed to be in the Left 4 Dead 1 and Left 4 Dead 2 game but he or she was replace by the Hunter also I can't tell the Screamer is a girl or a boy in the wiki.... So I believe the Screamer is a boy.... I not sure ok guys also back to the story guys.")

Ellis POV

I ran to the hooded dude and I was scared cause that strange laughter coming everywhere. "Do you head that?" Ellis hugs the Hunter for protection also he was scare to death and don't know what is making the laugh. "When we are going to New Orleans soon?" Ellis yawns then fell asleep in the Hunter arms.

The Hunter POV

I held him close to me, nod yes and look down to see my little hunter pup was sleeping in my arms and I was making sure the Smoker don't come near him again also I heard the Jokey's laughter everywhere too. He better not come near my cute hunter pup too cause I will kill him if he do. The Hunter is very protective to Ellis and making hissing sounds as like "stay back" or "I will attack you".

Jokey POV

I saw the Hunter and the little survivor then I think to myself, sure my laughter is scaring him but I can't attack him cause the Hunter will killed me if I hurt his little pup. As the Jokey continue laughing to scare Ellis, some how he hear growling from the Hunter and the Witch to back off or he will get killed by one of them soon.

Time skip

Morning came and the Hunter woke up also notice his pup was sleeping. It's a good thing he protect him from everything even from the zombies too, Hunter put Ellis on his back and jump to the roof being careful try not to wake up his little pup.

The Hunter POV

I finally make it to the roof, I looked down from the roof and I saw more survivors but luckily we safe up here then I start to think to myself what I going to do with Ellis if I give him to the survivors he will forget about me or I can keep him until he will get older. The Hunter keep Ellis for protection, put Ellis on his back and follow the survivors to the mall from roof tops.

Zoey POV

Me, Francis, Louis, Coach, Keith, Rochelle and Nick was keep looking for any survivors but luckily we find a survivor name Carla who saw the Hunter was carrying a little boy on his back then start to think to myself cause the Hunter was protecting him from the zombies. "Strange, I never see the Hunter will protect a human child." Zoey hears Nick calling her name and look at Nick.

Nick POV

"Zoey look, is that the kid with the Hunter?" Point his sniper gun at Hunter's head. "I better shoot that thing before it attack him." Nick knew Franics will agree with him.

Rochelle POV

Luckily I stop Nick before he shoot cause it will hurt him as well. "Nick no! If you shoot the Hunter that mean you will hurt the little boy too. Let wait if we can get him away from the Hunter." So we wait for the Hunter from the spot we was at.

Ellis POV

I woke up and yawning then I started to rubbing my eyes from my sleep later I look at the hooded dude, I smiles at him and look around that means we are in the mall already awhile I was asleep on his back. "Yay, we here! So what we going to do now? Also I need new clothes and I hungry too Hunter." I was on his back and I told him I was hungry. "You are the best friend the Hunter who been protecting me from everything too!" I laugh and giggles at him.

The Hunter POV

I smiles at Ellis and I start to crawled to look for foods and clothes for him then I look around me to see anyone will shoot me or take him away from me. Later, I find foods and clothes for him. After the Hunter find some foods and clothes then took Ellis somewhere safe and fed him.

Time skip

After the Hunter fed and changes Ellis. He put Ellis on his back and jump down then crawling outside of the mall.

Elice "Alice" POV

I was looking for mah ''my'' twin brother Ellis also I was alone too but I will not stop until I keep looking for my brother. After Ma and Pa left both me and Ellis alone so I am very fast when come with running away from the zombies. "Ellis! Where ya go ya lil' player?" Elice ''Alice'' looking and calling for Ellis for days and nights. Elice ''Alice'' met Zoey and some other survivors.

Coach POV

I look at another little survivor, she look like the boy we saw. "My friends call me Coach you call me Coach. This is Zoey, Rochelle, Fraincs, Keth, Nick and Louis. It nice to you meet you also what your name sweetie?" Coach was very calm to Elice ''Alice''.

Elice "Alice" POV

"My name is Alice but I like Elice cause Alice sounds like a girl but if ya folks will call me Alice you can. Also I looking for mah 'my' twin brother Ellis cause our Ma and Pa left us behind during the zombies come." Elice ''Alice'' is Ellis' younger twin sister.

(GrimmIchixIchigrimm: "Wait for part 4 guys ok?")

Hunter protect and keep Ellis safeWhere stories live. Discover now