xii: abnormalities

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The week Wendy went back to school, her leg is still slightly gushing and she's still feeling nauseous. As soon as she stepped into the room, the professor stormed her ears with stupid complains. Her ears ring from her lecture about skipping class and assignments. Most of those papers are just easy paper she can do on-the-spot honestly.

The brunette walked slowly up to her seat at the top corner, next to Irene. Wendy slumped down and tried her best to stick open her eyes, while Irene gave her quite a judging look. It almost felt like Wendy didn't care about the mission anymore, but she does care about the goddess next to her.

The weird cold aura is somehow captivating and alluring, all of her senses are fixed on Irene. Trying to not to look at her is a torture, and her perfect posture invites Wendy. Wendy's lips slightly raised as she thought about Irene's secret profile and all the information she can find about the older girl.

"You're smart, why don't you just comply with the professor?"


"You're three years younger than me and you're at this course, I wouldn't say you're...dumb.." Irene seemed disconcerted by Wendy's emotionless reaction.

"I can't stand these people...How to you know...my age?" Wendy dozed off, as she buries her face in her arms.

"I saw your age on the class attendance yesterday," she answered.

Wendy's hazelnut's eyes averted to Irene's face and she smiled, making Irene furrowed her eyebrows inconsiderably. The normal reaction would be blushing, but Irene is barely touched by Wendy's smile. Wendy grinned her teeth as she stared at Irene's face, of course, a cold-hearted person like her would react like that. Wendy changed her gaze to the teacher, who is eying her intensely. The brunette slipped a note to the raven-haired girl next to her.

"Want a snack? I can go get some food."

Irene looked at the note half-lidded, as she folded it heartlessly and whispered lowly:


Wendy sulked as she grabbed the note from Irene's hand and her fingers brushed against the upperclassman's palm. It was soft and tender, slightly cool at the best temperature. Wendy felt a hot rush of blood through her veins, as she scrunched the note and played with it. Occasionally, she would rub her leg to ease the pain but the way she does it look like a normal scratch.

"If IB was there, she surely knew someone got shot in the leg." Wendy thought.


Irene fixed her gaze on the professor, but she's still thinking about the fight last week between the two agencies. The hazelnut haired girl with those tiring eyes looks oddly indistinguishable to the girl sitting right next to her. Maybe she's thinking too much, but Wendy had been an interesting girl compared to others. Knowing her reputation, Irene wouldn't think Wendy would offer her a coffee at a random time like that.

Last week when she saw the girl, her eyes remind her of Wendy. As she was thinking, the little girl next to her bulged as she pulled out a small packet of crackers handed Irene the plastic box in the wrapping with crackers. Irene didn't know why she did it, but she reached out and hold the box to take a piece.

"I want to get you some food."

"You're weird." Irene shunned, as she placed the cracker on her tongue and chew it slowly, making a very little sound.

Perhaps it was because of her lack of experience since she only the agency one and a half year ago, that her fingers brushed against the plastic container. A mark of her fingerprint pressed on the surface, and Wendy carefully pulls the cracker pack away so that she won't ruin the print. She took out another new pack and slid it to Irene's side of the long, wooden table.

"You seemed to be savoring it." she laughed.

"You-" Irene clasped as she stopped Wendy from pushing the pack to her side, her fingers lay on the brunette's palm.

Wendy smirked when she looked up at Irene, her cold fingers are calming and she enjoyed it throughout. Irene let go of her finger and looked at Wendy's derpy face with the weird, wide smile. It wasn't a flirty smile, but it wasn't a soft smile she saw in those guys. It was distinctive, and Irene liked it.

The raven-haired girl slammed her notebook, gave Wendy a cold-hearted stare and asked to go to the bathroom. As soon as her silhouette disappeared at the hallway, Wendy furtively put some flour on the plastic container and collect the fingerprint. She finished the work so fast and so cleanly that the whole process barely took any seconds.

She already had the fingerprint and things tugged tightly away in her backpack by the time Irene got back. They passed the class without any significant moments, and when the bell rang Wendy stood up to get some food.

When the brunette walked out, Irene noticed a blackish spot on the lower part of the leggings Wendy wore. It looked slightly red, and she remembered Wendy was scratching her leg before when she arrived.

Irene's eyebrows squinted, feeling something stirred in her stomach. She felt off, but somewhat in her brain told her to shrug it off. Is it because she starts to recognize Wendy as someone special, or is because Wendy is too odd to fit in with her puzzle. That weird girl can't be an agent, but at the same time, she would be the perfect agent.

Irene grunts heavily as she collects her stuff and walked out of the classroom, and jogged down the stairs to the gate. She felt frustrated that she can't think of anything solid about the little clues she collected. As she was rumbling in her mouth, the raven-haired girl walked to her car, which she switched to a black car because she was being spied on.

Irene pulled out her phone and dialed Bogum's number.

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