I Love Chaos! (Werewolf!Kirishima X (?)Reader)

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In the end, I will provide more background information and explanation. I don't want to spoil the surprise. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it.

Oct 9 of Supernatural Month

"Come on, don't you trust me." You whisper into his ear and rubbing your hands on his shoulders.

"Of course, but I am little worry about you barely getting sleep," Kirishima says, due to the obvious red dark sleep bags underneath your eyes.

"I am perfectly fine. Don't need to worry about me?" You give him a small smile, as you move your hand to reach over to your pocket, but stop your movements.

Your small smile drops drastically, as your eyes losing their light within them as if humanity left your soul. Kirishima stares at you with confusion.

"Kirishima! Step away from whatever that is!" Bakugou shouts taking out his samurai sword.

Kaminari holding a taser gun as Mina was holding a gun.

You turn around and stare at their weapons. "How long did it take to realize your dear, (Name) has been replaced?"

Your lips turn up into a malicious smile and clapping your hands in a mocking way, however, it was a command of summoning two creatures.

You quickly turn around grabbing Kirishima by the collar and tossing him over the kitchen counter like a doll.

Bakugou marches jumping on the couch as it makes the couch fall and sword raised above his head. Kaminari using the opportunity, as the strings from the strings.

You quickly grab a kitchen knife and slash Bakugou at his thighs, as you slap the sword out of his grasp. He falls off the counter.

Your pathetic body shaking due to the electric, you grab the strings of the taser to pull them out of you as you proceed to snatch it out of his hand by pulling it by the strings.

"You are children compared to me." You laugh and walk around the counter as you put up the sword of Bakugou before stabbing Kirishima in his stomach when he was about to attack you.

Two creatures down, the werewolf and the kitsune.

"Come on shapeshifter. Shot me." You taking slow steps walking towards the remaining standing creatures.

"SHOT ME!" You growl as your voice becomes deeper and dark.

Mina couldn't bring herself to actually shot up with her best friend's body, which leads to the next events to come. Denki gets slammed to a wall, as Mina gets knocked out with the same gun you had when you took it out of her hands.

You walk away from the scene without any guilt.

Feedback/Any kind of reaction is appreciated!

Background Info: The reader is originally a human being, but gets possessed by an evil spirit of Kitsune called Nogitsune, which feeds off chaos, tragedy, and feed off in pain.

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