Protect Your Loved Ones (Werewolf!Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)

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This became longer than I expected...oops. Hybrid!Bakugou for another day then.

Oct 23 of Supernatural Month

You had an enough of him canceling last minute for your date nights. It's been passed your patience.

You get that he takes his training seriously but canceling our date nights when something came up and have no reason behind.

You are getting sick of it, especially he doesn't say the reason. He just stays quiet whenever you ask. It just gets more frustrating, every time.

You are getting suspicious of his unusual behavior.

The two of you would reschedule the date, the day after to only get it canceled.

It's just driving you mad.

Anyone would be getting impatient on what's really going with him. Well dating him in a sense.

You are on your way to his house, despite him telling you not to come and visits multiple times.

You are starting to think, you should have since you feeling like being watched by someone or thing.

You slowly pick up the pace since and kept using your phone front camera to see no one lurking behind you.

The neighborhood lights are getting glimmer by the second and making the pathway harder to see. You turn on your flashlight on your phone to see the sidewalk and anything nearby you.

Out of fear, you dial his phone number. Press the phone against your ear and trying to stay alert of your surroundings with little lighting you have.

It's an unsettling feeling of being watched. You could not see anyone following you physically.

Carefully listening to the ringings, and glance behind you to something jump into the bushes in a flash.

It's even harder to tell when it's dark.

Meanwhile, in Bakugou's household, their first son was checking up the chains on his wall. He wanted to make sure the would hold during the full night. The chains behind his bed frame as the phone vibrates on beside him.

He snarls at the sound and clocks his head to the left pain. His neck has been throbbing like crazy. Before he snatches the phone and groans that the brightest of the phone to see your name pop up on his screen.

He does feel guilty for canceling dates last minutes. He can't help that his turning is coming a lot sooner than usual. He was getting the effects days earlier.

His hearing is more sensitive to loud noise. His sense of smell is reaching further where he would stand.

He slides his thumb against the screen as his grown black nails slightly pass against the surface. Putting his cell phone between his chin and shoulder as he adjusts the free cuffs on his wrist tighter with his free hand. The cuffs have a small chain but remain to have some sort of weight in them.

"Katsuki, I am very sorry. But I am on my way to visit you at your house..... But it feels like someone is following me or watching him. I have only seen them once but it was a split second." You rambling into the phone.

"I am really terrified since the neighbors' lights keep frittering. It's so dark that I have to use my phone flashlight." You stopped your rambling for a moment.

Bakugou froze for a moment to hear the fear in your voice. You are clearly terrified out of your mind.

Screw it! You find out who he is behind his human face.

He is more concerned over your safety knowing there are rogues around his neighborhood. They are always looking for flesh meat humans to turn into their puppets.

He speaks in "Where are -."

Immediately he got interrupted by a growl following with a scream.

He dropped his phone and instantly jumping into action. Rush over to his window, and opening it wide enough for him to slip through and not minding the heavy cuffs on his wrist.

However, you on the other hand.

You are standing up as quickly as you can with your rip jacket. Spriting away from the scene.

Whoever attacked you from behind is no human. You know that for sure.

Your schoolbag was ripped in half as the fabric could be heard as it ripped when it happened. They got a bit of your jacket, and you kicked whoever was above with every strength you have.

You are running as your life depended on it. You could hear whoever it is running in fours into of two.

There was a loud howl in front of you, which startle you before you could understand what it was in front of you. It jumps above your head and attacking whoever was behind you.

You turn your head to have your eyes widen in shock.

Your boyfriend, Bakugou Katsuki attacking your attacker.

Your eyes were on his form. Blond with little of white mixed colored wolf ears on top of his head as his whole back was covered in blond fur to his tail. His tank was ripped apart, as he fought against your attacker.

They were fighting like animals.




pining each other.

Right in front of your eyes, your usual grumpy boyfriend turning into full-grown size wolf.

Feedback/Reactions are greatly appreciated!

Please tell me your thoughts or any kind of reaction. I am worrying that these mini-stories are horrible.

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