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Our story starts at Beacon where our main character is being hatted upon by his former friends  and team members. All because a asshole by the name of Cardin reveled his false transcripts to the entire school and now everybody hates him, with the exception of Ozpin Velvet and glynda those are the only people who stood by Jaune during this. His father after learning that his son cheated his way in disowned him from the Arc clan, now we open into the forever fall after escaping his former team.

Jaune: WHY!!(sob, sob) I know I lied my way in but that does not give them the right to tourture me and beat me. Why can't I die(more sobbing)

???:I ThINk I cAN heLp WitH ThAT LittLe MortAl

Jaune: W-who are you

???: My nAmE iS TZeEntcH

tZeEntCh: I  hAvE cOmE tO OFfeR a DeaL wiTh yOu

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tZeEntCh: hAvE cOmE tO OFfeR a DeaL wiTh yOu. You ShaLL BeCoMe mY GreAteSt DaEmoN AnD iN RetUrn yoU hAVe TO sErvE Me!! 

Jaune: What do you mean by daemon?

TzEEnTcH: WhaT I MeAN Is yOu BecOMe a All PoWEr FuLL BEING That ContRollS FaTe LiKe Me~

Jaune: YES!! I accept your offer to become all powerful!

As soon as he said those words dark energy eons old started to surround him enveloping him in the power of the dark gods. First he grew large wings upon his back then started to grow a beak, he screamed out as his body started growing and shifting his neck becoming longer as his head turned into that of a bird as a second head grew much like a bird head. He soon began laughing because he saw the past and all possible futures as well.

Jaune: This is amazing/Horrible!!! What was that/There is nothing new. 

TzEENtcH: One HeAd sPeAks ThE truTh The otHer A Lie. NoW Let Us Go.

5 warp years(1 normal) later beacon

The air at beacon was once happy but now it's a sad reflection of what it once was. Ozpin was very upset with the students once he learned of their bulling of the former Arc and tried his best to help him but when he went missing one year ago and not been found since he sent qrow to look for the kid but with no luck. Jaunes old team JNPR has been reorganized into PRN (prune) lead by Phyrra but they are a shadow without their former leader, RWBY changed as well Ruby has matured more and threw off her old gullable personality and hyperness, while Weiss became colder and more serious while Blake hardly talks anymore because she is ashamed of her self she felt discrimnation before and she was doing it to a fellow school mate because he tried to reach his dreams, Yang went from happy to depressed thinking she drove Jaune into doing suicide because she beat him up so bad she was sure he had a broken rib as well as insulting him about how his father disowned him and how he was good for nothing.

Ozpin(over intercoms): All students please report to the auditorium, all students  please report to the auditorium thank you.

In the auditorium stood a group of people they have never seen before one was dressed in armor and had horns atop his head as well as a perpetually angry looking scowl on his face,  another was a woman who had very reveling clothing if any body could call it that as well as a lust full look to what appears to be their leader, the next looked like she was a grim reaper with a scythe  and a cloak covering most her body also it was green with a weird sign on it.

In the auditorium stood a group of people they have never seen before one was dressed in armor and had horns atop his head as well as a perpetually angry looking scowl on his face,  another was a woman who had very reveling clothing if any body co...

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The last one had a cane in hand with a blue bird perched atop his cane with a evil look at everybody in that room. Then Ozpin said

Ozpin: These people are transfer students from Vaccou so i hope you treat them with respect their names are Kairos(Jaune), Dalevas (1st one mentioned), mystique (2nd one mentioned), and Morta(3rd one mentioned). Their name is CHOS (chaos[no shit]) and their leader is Kairos 

Jaune/Kairos: Hello beacon it is very nice to be here/It sucks to be here (bird said that)

Ozpin: What was that?

Jaune: Oh i'm sorry it's just, one of us speaks the truth the other tells a lie and it's your job to figure which lies or not/ That is not true we lie all the time and never tell the truth to anybody.

Ozpin: Ok. Anyhow here are your keys your room number is 666 the same hallway with team RWBY and PRN, goodbye 

Jaune: Goodbye/See you soon.

Mystique: Can we get a room alone I want 'bonding' time with my team ~leader~

Dalevas: Please can you be quiet Whore, sometimes you make me want to punch out all your blood.

Jaune: Everybody lets head to our room now/Let's go explore the place.

rest of team: Ok/Fine/why not 

End hope y'all enjoy

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