He knew it was over, he had lost. His own stubborness and ego had gotten the better of him. Words just sprawled from his mouth like blood out of a fresh wound. He was bringing himself up ultimately to regret and dismay, he just couldn't stop himself, his tone slowly rising as his face grew redder and redder.
Elenor, Silently confronting him with a straight face and cold eyes. Knew exactly what had happened to place Joseph in such an unpleasant mood, it was nothing to do with her. She was just a sort of outlet for all of his inner pain and anger that had been caused by the day's events. She accepted this to some extent. She had no intention of arguing back. She was quite content with a blank stare and still body language... This was to create a sense of fear within Joseph in order to make him realise how irrational and childish he was being.
After about 5 minutes he began to calm down. His face started to develop a more sophisticated shade and his voice, slightly horse, had quietened down to a respectable volume. He had suddenly realised the error of his ways, and with great embassment and shame he apologised. Elenor accepted the apology begrudgingly and subtly reminding him that she could use this outburst against him in the futer.
Having finally settled down, they began to calmly discuss the situation that had caused Joseph to go into such a state. Having heard the story elenor began to feel sympathy towards him. As the events of the day could have possibly effected the next two years of his life in a negative way. She also kept alot of resentment towards him for the time being, as Joseph started Yelling at her supposedly for leaving a spoon on the counter after making herself a cup of tea. Never the less, she showed understanding for his situation and kissed his cheek to show forgiveness of his actions. What elenor didn't understand is that this was far from the worst thing to happen to the couple in the next 24 hours.
Silence was constant through the next half an hour. Except for the occasional rattle of a tea cup on a sauser and the sound if the harsh February wind outside. It was clear they both had something hidden from the other person, and they knew it. But they knew that if they did say it the futer could be smudged for their relationship.
"Wine?" Joseph asked politely possible to break the tention. Possibly to find an excuse to leave the room.
"yes." she replied almost instantly as if to say that she is finding this time extremely awkward and uncomfortable as well and would like one of them to leave the room.
When Joseph was fully out of sight, Elenor placed her head into her hands in nervousness and frustration. She had recently learned some information at work about her partners family business that she wansnt prepared to share with him at the moment. Obviously he was going to find out in the end but she was planning to tell him in the time that had just taken place but the outburst had redirected her mood from confident and motivated to annoyed, resentful and slightly fatigued. It would have to be a long conversation and she wasn't sure how he would take it