Chap 3 : Emotions Rollercoaster

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Alessandro looking like a full course meal^


Alessandro dramatically fell into his comfortable office chair as he was exhausted and a little turned on by the beauty that he met at the elevator.

He sighed as he looked at the messy unorganized paperworks on his table. Everything has been a mess since his secretary left. Not to mention the brunette was his favourite secretary but what can he say when she asked to quit ? Begged on her foots ? Sure Alessandro was a young man but he was not that stupid.

He cursed at the rising temperature inside the office due to the maintenance that had to be done on the air conditioner . Due to his laziness to take off his coat , he just slumped down on his chair and unbuttoned his expensive designer shirt.

His toned chest was on display as he rested his back on the comfortable chair. He was fatigue as he had worked for an excessive amount of time yet he still have a considerable amount of paperworks to do.

Knock knock

Soft knocking can be heard from the door as Alessandro attention that was once all over the place , move to the door. Thinking it was one of the stuff , he spoke.

"Come in "

Ben grabbed the door handle as his heart beating rapidly.

It's now or never Benjamin ! Come on man !

He turned the handle and with his usual smile , he got in the office. He walked to the chair and stand there and greeted the man in front of him.

Did he just said man ? Cause Ben pretty sure he meant god. The man looked like something straight out of the telly with his luminous skin and his dark green eyes that remind Ben of the spectacular scenery of the forest when the sun begin to set.

His sharp jawline that was inviting Benjamin to touch it. His messy brown locks and his plump pink lips were desirable as Benjamin enjoy the beautiful sight.

He was taken aback when his eyes went lower. The sight of the man's chest that was glistening with sweats was nothing but pure bliss. His view was abruptly covered by the desk and at the time he wanted nothing more than just curse out loud at the desk for blocking his view.

Alessandro smirked when he saw Ben checking him out. He was shocked when Ben came in the room. Of course , he had been waiting for this 'Benjamin' that his father told him but he didn't thought that the adorable figure was the Benjamin he had been waiting.

"Have a seat Benjamin , my father and I have been waiting for you"

Ben mouthed a thank you as he sit down on the chair. He was shocked at how soft and comfy the chair is. It was probably made out of some expensive materials that he could never afford.

"Sorry for my messy desk , it has seen better days but today is clearly not that day" Alessandro made a joke to light up the situation as he fixed some of the scattered papers.

Ben chuckled , he wanted nothing more than to help the man but he felt as if it was disrespectful to interfere him.

After a while , the desk was looking decent compared to how it looked like a moment ago.

"Well that will do..... at least for now" Ben heard his new boss muttered to himself.

A new question popped up in his mind as he wondered what's the name of the breathtakingly stunning man that is also his boss in front of him ?

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