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I had really given up hope of continuing my story after I lost my data of the story. Hahaha and because I thought this story was boring and no one was actually reading it. So my sincere thanks to @Percy_W_Girl and @Im_a_cat_woah for reading and commenting on my work. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


My thoughts were interrupted by clashing sounds of steels. I looked up at the training room. I really need to clear my mind and I thought training would really help..

I walked towards the crow's nest and slowly opened the door to enter. There I saw Zoro was there practicing with his swords.

Swords had always caught my eyes. But it has been long since I hold a sword. When was the last time I used a sword. I wonder. It was probably when I fought alongside Edgar.

Suddenly an urge to use the shiny metal beauty developed inside me.

"Lend me your sword for a while. Will ya?" Zoro who had been facing the other side the whole time, turned towards me. He looked at me with his sharp gaze as if he was studying me. And suddenly threw one of his swords towards you. I caught it alright but still it was dangerous.

"Hey watch it! It's dangerous. At least you should have responded before you passed." I shouted.

"The sword had the cover." Zoro replied, not interested a bit.

"Whatever, it's still dangerous you know." I ended up muttering.

"Hmm" Zoro said and continued with his training.

"umm... Should we have a match?" I just asked not knowing what to do next. Zoro turned again. He had a smirk on his face. May be it caught his attention.

The match didn't last long. Zoro won which I knew was to be expected. But I had fun. I gave my all and that's what counts, right.

"Not bad." Zoro said. It was sudden and it made me blush.

May be It was because I was all hot and red from the match. I took a deep breath and decided to go to my room and rest. "I guess I should get some sleep before lunch I am kinda tired. Anyways 'happy practice Zoro!' "I waved at Zoro but he wasn't looking. Then I walked towards my room.

I don't know how long I slept for but I definitely got a good sleep. I woke up because I was thirsty. I got off the bed and went towards the kitchen. As I entered, I found Sanji in the kitchen, preparing for dinner.

~End of the chapter~
Just in case you are wondering who this "Edgar" person is. He is Ayoma's best friend, who died fighting against the Rock Pirates.
I know the chapter wasn't only short but also out of place i am working on another chapter and i hope i will be able to post the next chapter soon as well.
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Mystique Panache ^^

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