Chapter 1

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Raven POV

Star and I have been wandering from town to town on this earth, but we keep our powers hidden, not wanting to cause some type of chaos. It's been months being transferred here, months that we saw our world come to an end. Some things have changed on how we looked, my pale skin was a bit more fairer and Stars was less 'orange' she just looked like a normal tan skin color..

"It appears that these people dress like the old days? There are no small tv that you can call or tv or cars from back...home" Star says as we walk around in a small village that we have come crossed with.

"Yeah I know and I think you are talking about cell phones. We've been here for a few months, it seems that we are somehow back in time but a different universe" I say as I crossed my arms from under my cloak that I wore.

"Some of these people are nice, at least are having fun right?" She says as she engulfs me in a tight hug that makes me squirm from her tight.

"You are hugging me" I breath out in discomfort.

"Ooops, sorry" She says as she lets me go and chuckles at her mistake. Sometimes I think that she forgets how strong her strength is at times.

"Yeah, don't let it happen again" I mutter grumpily as we walked past my the people and noticed how some of the men stare at Star like a piece of meat causing me to roll my eyes. Some things never seem to change in people.

"Raven! Look! We should go here" I hear Star say to me excitedly almost causing her to start flying.

"Star, you need to control yourself, you don't want to expose us, you'll make a scene. And we don't know how they'll react to us" I tell her as I finally looked at the small banner about a Tavern just up hill. "This wasn't here two days ago"

"I see that but let's go! I really want to eat something" She says almost pleadingly.

"No" I say.

"Please. Please" She kept pleading me for almost 10 minutes straight as we walked around the out door flee market.

"Fine, thankfully we have extra money here with us that I had to steal from the other towns we've been to" I say causing Star to grin widely.

"Thank you Raven!" She says happily causing me to roll my eyes at her.

"Let's go then" I mutter, trying not to regret it all ready.


"I regret coming here already" I mutter in annoyance as I put down the hood of my cloak letting strands of dark purple hair fall on my shoulder. Thankfully I concealed the Chakra Gem before setting the hood down.

"What do you mean? It is fun! So many happy faces" Starfire giggles in delight causing me to gag at her happiness.

"Yeah like the men staring at you like a piece of meat" I say sarcastically.

"Me? They're also looking at you, you are steal wearing your suit under that cloak of yours" She says with a grin.

"Hello, welcome ladies, hope you're having a beautiful day" A short blonde guy appears next to the table in front of us with a wide grin, causing Starfire to giggle. He looked really young, a bit younger than us, and had a dragon like sword behind his back.

"You have a face of a baby" She giggles again and the guy still smiles.

"Yeah I get that a lot, so may I take your order?" He says to us.

"Um, give us whatever you have best, surprise me" Starfire says looking around the place in awe.

"And you m'lady?" He says to me, his ocean blue eyes staring right into mine. Something about him screams power, but I'm not too sure yet.

"Uh, I just want a drink, not hungry" I say to him.

"Alright, and what would you like to drink?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"Give me the best beer you have" I tell him.

"Aren't you a little young to be drinking?" He says jokingly.

"No, we're not trust me" I say as a matter-of-fact tone. Starfire and I are actually 19, although back on our universe, in order to drink you must be 21 and older. But then again do people follow those laws? No.

"Alright , I'll be right back in a jiffy" He says with a grin as he went to also take other orders.

"So many people are here" Star points out.

"Yeah, I can tell" I repond back looking around the place.

"Can you please have fun here?" She tells me with a pleading look.

"I'll try, but remember even if we're in this different universe, I still don't know how exactly my other me is here, I don't want to show to much feelings" I tell her as the short blonde guy was at our table again.

"The boar Hat's signature meat pie! One berry juice and everyone's favorite drink around here" He says as he set down the food and drinks on the table.

"It smells good" Star says with drool pooling down from her mouth. She grabbed the fork and stabbed the pie and eating a bite. We look at her face go from happy to disgust to swallowing it forcefully. "Hehehe"

"I should have mentioned that our rep here is for good booze but the food not so good. So you don't have to eat it" He says when suddenly all the chattering stopped when the door opened.

"I-I saw it! I saw it with my own two eyes. I swear that I saw the Wandering Rust Knight out there" A man says out loud as he sat next to a group of guys, next to our table.

"Yeah that's been on everyone's mind" I hear a guy say.

"Come on, that's just a made up story used to scare children to behave" Another says as I took a sip of the bitter yet sweet beer.

" 'If you don't do what I tell you, then I'm going to tell the Seven Deadly Sins, they'll come for you in their blood rusted armor" A man joked.

"The Seven Deadly Sins?" The short blonde guy says. Starfire and I got intrigued on hearing about these Seven Deadly Sins and the Holy Knights we keep hearing about from every town we pass through. Then suddenly we hear loud footsteps, and someone in a big old armor barges in the Tavern. The men start screaming and running out quick as they can.

"Such babies" I mutter as I took one last sip of the beer. "Come on we need to go, we don't want to get dragged into this"

"No wait" Starfire tells me causing me to huff in annoyance. I saw the short guy jump over the counter and stood face to face with the big guy.

"Now, who are you?" He says when suddenly the big armored guy began swaying, almost falling to the ground but in a quick second, Star cached the knight with ease. Then suddenly the helmet fell off revealing a girl who looked very tired and was knocked out cold.

"It's a...girl?" Starfire says. And before we knew it, Starfire and I would soon get dragged into this mess, sooner that we thought.


Word Count: 1258


First Chapter done!! This is a crossover! I do not own any off the characters including Raven and Starfire but will be using them and changing it up a bit. They are not in their universe, they're in a new one. This will be a Meliodas and Ban fanfic because I love those two so much! Anyways please don't forget to vote or comment for support! Thank You!!

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