!Irken OC!

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Age:Zim's age (since I don't know it...)

Personality:she's confident and superior about herself, although she doesn't like to work with other irkens and is rather independent.




Hates:Being shoved,Humans,Skool(school), Dib.

Likes:Interesting things,Science,etc.

---Irken Looks---

Eyes:Light blue.

Outfit:Normal Irken attire but blue with silver sleeves and color,Black gloves,leggings and boots.

Pak:Silver with black diamond spots.

Skin:Still green.

Antennas:Long and curled.


---Human disguise---

Eyes:Still light blue

Outfit:Black long sleeve shirt with black pants,boots,gloves,her pak still shows.

Skin:human skin tone.

Hair:Long black hair to her waist.


Mission:Destroy Zim.

---Sir unit---

Eyes:One eye is purple the other is pink.

Mission mode color:Red

Disguise:Blue cat with yellow eyes



Liz couldn't find Zim first day so she attended the Skool. She came a long time after Tak and most things have happened already.

---What I use this character for---


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