"We have all of your favorite foods. Cheddar Cheez-Itz and Cheetos and chocolate and ice cream and Pepsi and-"
"She gets it, you stocked up the house for her." My dad chuckles while my mother huffs. She still has a smile on her face though. I missed this banter between my family.
"You never do that for me." Matt, my brother, points out to my mom with fake anger.
We all laugh, but my chuckle is cut short once we pull up to the house. It looks just as I remember it. Light blue siding and our tire swing still hanging from the tree I fell out of. The only difference is my mom planted some new flowers outside. I feel a wave of comfort settle over me. This is home.
I slide my shoes off and into the slot that I would always put them when I still lived here. It suddenly hits me with how weird it feels to be in this house. I don't know how to act. I want to jump into their arms again but I also feel guarded.
"Thanks, Mom for the food and everything." I give her a little side hug and accept the Pepsi she thrusts out to me. I guess I should have informed them that I grew out of all these foods but I don't have the heart to tell her. I take sips of my drink.
"So how is big city life?" My brother asks while trying to give me a noogie. I swat his hands away with a laugh. We all sit at the table while I inform them of my life up in New York.
"It's very busy and fast pace, but I love it. There are always things to see and photograph."
"Okay, but we have one very important question," my brother pauses, "is New York pizza really that good?"
I can't help but laugh before I answer. New York pizza has truly opened my eyes. It's magical, I swear to god. You won't want to eat anything else once you've tried the cheesy goodness.
"It's the best, hands down. I would trade my newborn son for a slice."
They laugh at my answer and then the questions start up again. I answer all of them with enthusiasm. Eventually, I am relaxed and fall back into my normal self around them. We joke all night before we agree it's time to go to bed. My dad kisses my head before I march upstairs to my room.
Nothing in my room is touched. The rest of my clothes are still laying in their correct spot in my dresser. My tv remote is in the same spot on my bedside table. Obviously, my mom has dusted and vacuumed but that's it. It feels like walking through a museum. It feels almost wrong to touch anything. Before I can over think the strangeness of my room the phone rings.
It's Daniel.
"Hey, Babe. You forget about me yet?"
"I could never forget you." I laugh and fall back onto the purple comforter.
"Good," I can hear his smile through the phone. "How is it going? You forgot to call me after you landed but I'll let that one go. Strike one, Ms. Poppy."
"Shoot, I'm sorry I forgot. Ugh, I deserve that strike. I get distracted so quickly."
"I know you do. It's okay though, I know how you can make it up to me." I can tell he's smirking. I know what he wants. It makes me roll my eyes.
"You have a one-track mind, mister."
He laughs.
"I can't help it. You're so fucking sex-"
A knock on the door makes me pull the phone away from my ear momentarily. It must be mom.
"Hold on, babe. I'll call you back."

Romance"I left 7 years ago, and I can leave again. You can't stop me." "Actually, I can." Teeth sink into my neck. I scream the entire time. ________________________________ When Poppy graduated from high school, she was accepted into a big school in Ne...