The ride home is quiet. He doesn't turn the radio on like he usually does. It doesn't bother me. I am silently fuming at how he yelled at me earlier. I get the situation. But really? I don't deserved to be screamed at.
"So, you're not going to talk," he states, rather than questions, in a firm voice. He sounds like a father about to scold his daughter for her attitude.
I keep my eyes trained outside the window and ignore him. My rudeness causes him to growl.
"Poppy, I am trying very hard to not go off. Tell me what happened."
I can hear it in his voice that he is about to lose control. It infuriates me that I can't just be silent and bask in my own thoughts. It's all about him. Everything is about him. I know one thing is for certain, he is very much accustomed to getting what he wants. I hate that. I want to change that. But I can't or he goes all angry wolfy on me. So I sigh, and respond.
"I dropped a bag of chocolate. I bent over to pick it up and I saw feet behind me," I respond while gazing out the window.
I hear him rumble aggressively.
"What color were the shoes?" He asks. His question makes me snort.
"Do we have to talk about thi-"
"What do you mean, Poppy? Of course we're going to fucking talk about this," he snaps.
I feel my heart stop beating at his apparent anger. I didn't expect him to get angry so quick. The situation is still very scary for me. I think back to the grocery store and remember how fast my heart was pounding. I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I don't want to talk about what happened, right now. I wish he could understand that.
"But, I just-"
"You just what? Don't care about your fucking safety?"
This time I explode. Enough is enough. I'm tired of him cutting me off and freaking out on me.
"Of course I fucking care about my safety, but I wouldn't have to if I wasn't stuck with a monster like you! I was never put in danger when I was with-"
"Don't say his fucking name," he snarls in an inhuman voice. It makes me shudder and seal lips closed. I should have known not to say that. I know that now. That's why I halt the words that wish to spill out of my mouth.
The cab of the truck goes quiet for five minutes as I watch his visibly calm down. When his body stops shaking, he sighs. However, I am still fuming.
When we get inside the house I am still fuming. When he tries to reach for me I push his hands away and give him the nastiest glare. I dump the groceries on the counter and march up the stairs.
Ya. I'm pissed.
Before I shut the door, I hear him mumble:
"And to think we were actually getting somewhere."
I wish I could tell him that we aren't getting anywhere. I have been nice because I don't have a choice. I have no friends. I have no family. I have no Daniel. I am like a princess trapped in a tower. Yet no one is coming to save me. You have made sure of that. If I was Rapunzel, you would have cut my hair so that no one may climb it and give me a happy ending.
I have been nice, because I am human. Even though I hate you, I have manners. But one thing is for certain. There is one thing that I will never sugar coat.
I will never fall in love with you.
"Where are you going?" He asks as he sips his coffee.
I grip the keys in my hand while snagging a water bottle out of the fridge.
"Out," I respond sharply.
He puts his mug down.
"No, you are not. I want you to come to the office with me today. Until my guys can find this stalker, I want you to stay with me."
I scoff and shake my head.
Are you serious? Now I'm back to being babysat. Great.
A part of my mind agrees with him. However, the defiant part of me wants to tell him to kiss my ass.
I wanted to take pictures today. I had a couple things planned. But just like everything else, it is ruined by him. Sometimes I look at his pretty face and his pretty hair and think, maybe in a couple years I could love him. Then he pulls shit like this and I realize why. He ruins everything. I know I sound like a dramatic teenager trying to defy her parents.
Instead of trying to fight back, I don't even bother arguing with him. I give him a look of fury and set my keys on the counter. He meets my anger filled look with a smile. His smile is more of an amused smile. He's amused at my anger. It pisses me off.
When we drive to the office he tries to talk to me, but I give him one word answers. He finally gets the hint and turns the radio up. I thank god for that.
Now I am finally left with my thoughts. I hate that my mind has become so dark and angry. However, it doesn't surprise me. I am being stalked by . . . someone. I wonder why I didn't turn around yesterday. I could have but I was just so . . . scared. It felt like evil was behind me.
They must have caught who it was on security tapes. I hope they did. I know Weston is going to grill me more about it later so I push those thoughts away.
My mom sent me a text. She wants to get lunch tomorrow. I immediately texted her no. However, now I'm not sure. I feel like my life has no purpose. I don't have a job and I don't have friends. I had Julia but now I'm not sure. She's one of them.
When my mom texted back okay, I felt my chest hurt. So like a dumb bitch I caved. I texted her back and said I'll be there. She sends back a million emojis, which I ignore.
"Make yourself comfortable. You can take pictures in here?" He offers.
I look at his office and then him.
"Thanks," I reply bluntly and take a seat on the couch. Right away I pull up a game and try to focus on it, rather than him.
"I'm really trying here, Flower," he sighs and logs onto his computer, "the man I assigned to be your body guard is out of town. When he comes back, you can go anywhere you like."
There's only one placed I'd like to go, and that's New York.
I ignore him and swipe through my phone.
I try to download Facebook. Blocked.
I try to download Instagram. Blocked.
I try to download Twitter. Blocked.
He must feel my anger as he looks up from his work. I avoid his questioning eyes and return to temple run.
Just as I'm about to swipe up to jump, the door busts open.
My phone drops to the floor.
Unedited, of course.
I love you guys! Thanks for all the comments and luv.
I am trying to update regularly but hahhahahhhahahhahah THE STRUGGLE IS REAL.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years!
What do yall think is gonna happen next? How is Daniel still in Colorado? How did he bust into the office? What is Weston going to do?
Who knows;)

Romance"I left 7 years ago, and I can leave again. You can't stop me." "Actually, I can." Teeth sink into my neck. I scream the entire time. ________________________________ When Poppy graduated from high school, she was accepted into a big school in Ne...