Chapter Seventeen Nightmare is gone the Memories are back

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Shiro pov:

When me and keith had made it the planet in our loins we could see that the planet looked like it had been through some kind of war with the way the ground looked it had deep huge gouging.It didn't take us long to find shannon,she was badly hurt we had to get her back to the castle of lions I carried her back to my loin as I did this I has this feeling that erwin was gone and she was finally able to put the past behind her.I hope at the lessted she could do so I really can't lose her again.When we got to the castle we rushed her to medic bay where she was could help by using the medic pode which healed her wound's.I went back to our bedroom so I could let the pode do it job we left the planet and head out to free more planet's but I had this really bad feeling like the glara emperor was no longer crumbling.

Meanwhile in the medic pode shannon was have the worst nightmare that she had ever had in her life also she was beginning to remember her feeling for shiro and her love for him was only growing as she was trying to remember.But shannon was still fighting her nightmare passed which still had it tight hole over her and it seemed that it was going to get stronger if shiro had not come to see how she was doing.Also he started talking to her in hopes that it would help her remember him and their love it was working shannon was remembering but the nightmare was like dark dragon that just wouldn't let go of her until shiro who was like a light appeared.And was able to strike down the dark dragon of her nightmare which also allowed her to heal a little fast with the blue moon crystal help.

Keith pov:

When me and shiro found shannon,she was badly hurt it looked like she had been in fight to the death and she won the fight but it looked like she was losing the war with her injuries.Once we got back her to the castle of lions I know that shiro was really worried that he might lose her again and that the last thing he would wanted to happen.As we got her to the medic bay shannon was put into medpode where she could have her injuries heal when this was done.I could tell that the blue moon crystal was weakened which mean she must have used a every powerful spell that almost took everything she had to end the fight.

It was three day and shannon was still in the healing,she may have won the fight with her nightmare with the help of shiro but her body had taken had great cost from using a transformations spell which change her sword into a scythe that end erwin life.End the he was told her something that would stay with her forever meanwhile shiro along with the other were worried about shannon and how long it was taking the pode to heal her wounds.As for keith,he knew that shannon would be ok he was on the training deck work hard also this was away of taking his mind off of worrying about shannon and lance could tell that keith was doing this to take his mind off of being worried.Of course when lance went to give keith a towel after he had ended the training sequence coran came over the entercom to say that shannon had come to from a few minutes but was still tired when she fell into shiro arms.

Lance pov:

I went to the training deck to see how keith was doing,I knew that shiro was by shannon's pode talking to her as away of helping her and I have this feeling she is listening to every word he is saying.Also it has been three day and she still in the pode her body must still be in the healing process and I know that keith must be training to help take his mind off of worrying about shannon.Who is a really good friend from what I can tell they have good friendship that go back to when keith was in the galaxy garrison he did have shiro too but shannon was there when shiro couldn't be there from him.And when shannon left it was hard on him for awhile just like when he thought shiro was gone for good but he end up coming back to him as for shannon well she did come back in really crazy way.Of course just as I brought towel for keith has he end the training sequence coran came over the entercom and said shannon has woke up for few minutes but she fell back to sleep,she must still recovering.

When the pode opened shiro was there to catch shannon who did open her eyes for few minutes to see shiro was there and she was in his arms but she passed out because she was still tired after using a power transformation on her sword this drain her most of her magic.So shiro took her back to their bedroom seen her body was healed she just need some must need rest after having been inside the medic pode of three day almost going on four as shiro carried her back she laid her head on his chest.This made him blush as well as make his heart beat faster his lover for her was stronger if not more have her in his arms was just showing how true it was in that moment as he laid her on their bed he also laid down with her.Then pulled the blanket over them he closed his eye and he fell asleep right away in that moment he never felt so happy than he did now.

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